When tests are built, the minimum required cmake version is 3.4.
The file test/CMakeLists.txt uses cmake_policy(SET CMP0064 NEW),
which requires cmake 3.4 [1].
[1] https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.4/policy/CMP0064.html
* addons: Reduce memory consumption
Parse dump files incrementaly using ElementTree.iterparse. Clean unused
resources during parsing. This method is explained in following
article: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-hiperfparse/
Memory consumption was reduced about 30% (measured with mprof),
execution time increased about 5% (measured with time utility).
More description available in PR.
* Switch to lxml and update iterparse routines
Use lxml module instead default xml.etree. Lxml provides convenient
wrappers around iterparse method that accepts `tag` argument. That
easer incremental parsing routines to select specific tags from roottree
like `dump` and `dumps`.
Element.clear() method was replaced by `lxml_clean` because lxml
keeps additional information to nodes that should be removed.
Added note about large consumption RAM on large dump files.
This commit doesn't solve this problem completely, but provides a way
to improve current parser to add incremental Configuration serialization
* Working on iterative parser
* Added iterative Configurations parser
* fix
* Fix varlist iteration
* make sure that standards node was loaded
* Set bounds when combining values
* Adust bounds when they are negated
* Try to infer conditional values
* Switch false and true
* Fix checking of conditions
* Fix compare
* Fix remaining tests
* Fix overflows
This commit will add feature to detect essential type categories
for operators of ternary operation.
This fixes issues with rule 10.1 and close the following ticket: