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title | subtitle | author | lang | toc | documentclass |
Cppcheck manual | Version 1.88 | Cppcheck team | en | true | report |
Cppcheck is an analysis tool for C/C++ code. It provides unique code analysis to detect bugs and focuses on detecting undefined behaviour and dangerous coding constructs. The goal is to detect only real errors in the code (i.e. have very few false positives).
Supported code and platforms:
- You can check non-standard code that contains various compiler extensions, inline assembly code, etc.
- Cppcheck should be compilable by any C++ compiler that handles the latest C++ standard.
- Cppcheck should work on any platform that has sufficient CPU and memory.
Please understand that there are limits of Cppcheck. Cppcheck is rarely wrong about reported errors. But there are many bugs that it doesn't detect.
You will find more bugs in your software by testing your software carefully, than by using Cppcheck. You will find more bugs in your software by instrumenting your software, than by using Cppcheck. But Cppcheck can still detect some of the bugs that you miss when testing and instrumenting your software.
Getting started
It is not required but creating a new project file is a good first step. There are a few options you can tweak to get good results.
In the project settings dialog, the first option you see is "Import project". It is recommended that you use this feature if you can. Cppcheck can import:
- Visual studio solution / project
- Compile database (can be generated from cmake/qbs/etc build files)
- Borland C++ Builder 6
When you have filled out the project settings and click on OK; the Cppcheck analysis will start.
Command line
First test
Here is a simple code
int main()
char a[10];
a[10] = 0;
return 0;
If you save that into file1.c and execute:
cppcheck file1.c
The output from cppcheck will then be:
Checking file1.c...
[file1.c:4]: (error) Array 'a[10]' index 10 out of bounds
Checking all files in a folder
Normally a program has many source files. And you want to check them all. Cppcheck can check all source files in a directory:
cppcheck path
If "path" is a folder then cppcheck will recursively check all source files in this folder.
Checking path/file1.cpp...
1/2 files checked 50% done
Checking path/file2.cpp...
2/2 files checked 100% done
Check files manually or use project file
With Cppcheck you can check files manually, by specifying files/paths to check and settings. Or you can use a project file (cmake/visual studio/etc).
We don't know which approach (project file or manual configuration) will give you the best results. It is recommended that you try both. It is possible that you will get different results so that to find most bugs you need to use both approaches.
Later chapters will describe this in more detail.
Excluding a file or folder from checking
To exclude a file or folder, there are two options. The first option is to only provide the paths and files you want to check.
cppcheck src/a src/b
All files under src/a and src/b are then checked.
The second option is to use -i, with it you specify files/paths to ignore. With this command no files in src/c are checked:
cppcheck -isrc/c src
This option does not currently work with the --project
option and is only valid when supplying an input directory. To ignore multiple directories supply the -i multiple times. The following command ignores both the src/b and src/c directories.
cppcheck -isrc/b -isrc/c
The possible severities for messages are:
used when bugs are found
suggestions about defensive programming to prevent bugs
stylistic issues related to code cleanup (unused functions, redundant code, constness, and such)
Suggestions for making the code faster. These suggestions are only based on common knowledge. It is not certain you'll get any measurable difference in speed by fixing these messages.
portability warnings. 64-bit portability. code might work different on different compilers. etc.
Configuration problems. The recommendation is to only enable these during configuration.
Importing project
You can import some project files and build configurations into Cppcheck.
Cppcheck GUI project
You can import and use Cppcheck GUI project files in the command line tool:
cppcheck --project=foobar.cppcheck
The Cppcheck GUI has a few options that are not available in the command line directly. To use these options you can import a GUI project file. We want to keep the command line tool usage simple and limit the options by intention.
Generate a compile database:
The file compile_commands.json
is created in the current folder. Now run Cppcheck like this:
cppcheck --project=compile_commands.json
Visual Studio
You can run Cppcheck on individual project files (*.vcxproj) or on a whole solution (*.sln)
Running Cppcheck on an entire Visual Studio solution:
cppcheck --project=foobar.sln
Running Cppcheck on a Visual Studio project:
cppcheck --project=foobar.vcxproj
In the Cppcheck GUI
you have the choice to only analyze a single debug configuration. If you want to use this choice on the command line then create a Cppcheck GUI
project with this activated and then import the GUI project file on the command line.
C++ Builder 6
Running Cppcheck on a C++ Builder 6 project:
cppcheck --project=foobar.bpr
If you can generate a compile database then it's possible to import that in Cppcheck.
In Linux you can use for instance the bear
(build ear) utility to generate a compile database from arbitrary build tools:
bear make
You should use a platform configuration that match your target.
By default Cppcheck uses native platform configuration that works well if your code is compiled and executed locally.
Cppcheck has builtin configurations for Unix and Windows targets. You can easily use these with the --platform command line flag.
You can also create your own custom platform configuration in a XML file. Here is an example:
<?xml version="1"?>
Preprocessor Settings
If you use --project
then Cppcheck will use the preprocessor settings from the imported project. Otherwise you'll probably want to configure the include paths, defines, etc.
Here is a file that has 2 preprocessor configurations (with A defined and without A defined):
#ifdef A
x = y;
x = z;
By default Cppcheck will check all preprocessor configurations (except those that have #error in them). So the above code will by default be analyzed both with A
defined and without A
You can use -D
to change this. When you use -D
, cppcheck will by default only check the given configuration and nothing else. This is how compilers work. But you can use --force
or --max-configs
to override the number of configurations.
Check all configurations:
cppcheck file.c
Only check the configuration A:
cppcheck -DA file.c
Check all configurations when macro A is defined
cppcheck -DA --force file.c
Another useful flag might be -U
. It tells Cppcheck that a macro is not defined. Example usage:
cppcheck -UX file.c
That will mean that X is not defined. Cppcheck will not check what happens when X is defined.
Include paths
To add an include path, use -I
, followed by the path.
Cppcheck's preprocessor basically handles includes like any other preprocessor. However, while other preprocessors stop working when they encounter a missing header, cppcheck will just print an information message and continues parsing the code.
The purpose of this behaviour is that cppcheck is meant to work without necessarily seeing the entire code. Actually, it is recommended to not give all include paths. While it is useful for cppcheck to see the declaration of a class when checking the implementation of its members, passing standard library headers is highly discouraged because it will result in worse results and longer checking time. For such cases, .cfg files (see below) are the better way to provide information about the implementation of functions and types to cppcheck.
If you want to filter out certain errors you can suppress these.
Please note that if you see a false positive then we (the Cppcheck team) want that you report it so we can fix it.
Plain text suppressions
You can suppress certain types of errors. The format for such a suppression is one of:
[error id]:[filename]:[line]
[error id]:[filename2]
[error id]
The error id
is the id that you want to suppress. The easiest way to get it is to use the --template=gcc command line flag. The id is shown in brackets.
The filename may include the wildcard characters * or ?, which match any sequence of characters or any single character respectively. It is recommended that you use "/" as path separator on all operating systems.
Command line suppression
The --suppress=
command line option is used to specify suppressions on the command line. Example:
cppcheck --suppress=memleak:src/file1.cpp src/
Suppressions in a file
You can create a suppressions file. Example:
// suppress memleak and exceptNew errors in the file src/file1.cpp
// suppress all uninitvar errors in all files
Note that you may add empty lines and comments in the suppressions file.
You can use the suppressions file like this:
cppcheck --suppressions-list=suppressions.txt src/
XML suppressions
You can specify suppressions in a XML file. Example file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
The XML format is extensible and may be extended with further attributes in the future.
You can use the suppressions file like this:
cppcheck --suppress-xml=suppressions.xml src/
Inline suppressions
Suppressions can also be added directly in the code by adding comments that contain special keywords. Before adding such comments, consider that the code readability is sacrificed a little.
This code will normally generate an error message:
void f() {
char arr[5];
arr[10] = 0;
The output is:
cppcheck test.c
[test.c:3]: (error) Array 'arr[5]' index 10 out of bounds
To suppress the error message, a comment can be added:
void f() {
char arr[5];
// cppcheck-suppress arrayIndexOutOfBounds
arr[10] = 0;
Now the --inline-suppr
flag can be used to suppress the warning. No error is reported when invoking cppcheck this way:
cppcheck --inline-suppr test.c
You can specify that the inline suppression only applies to a specific symbol:
// cppcheck-suppress arrayIndexOutOfBounds symbolName=arr
You can write comments for the suppress, however is recommended to use ; or // to specify where they start:
// cppcheck-suppress arrayIndexOutOfBounds ; some comment
// cppcheck-suppress arrayIndexOutOfBounds // some comment
XML output
Cppcheck can generate output in XML format. Use --xml
to enable this format.
A sample command to check a file and output errors in the XML format:
cppcheck --xml file1.cpp
Here is a sample report:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<results version="2">
<cppcheck version="1.66">
<error id="someError" severity="error" msg="short error text"
verbose="long error text" inconclusive="true" cwe="312">
<location file0="file.c" file="file.h" line="1"/>
The <error>
Each error is reported in a <error>
element. Attributes:
id of error. These are always valid symbolnames.
the error message in short format
the error message in long format
this attribute is only used when the error message is inconclusive
CWE ID for the problem. This attribute is only used when the CWE ID for the message is known.
The <location>
All locations related to an error are listed with <location>
elements. The primary location is listed first.
filename. both relative and absolute paths are possible.
name of the source file (optional)
line number
short information for each location (optional)
Reformatting the text output
If you want to reformat the output so it looks different you can use templates.
Predefined output formats
To get Visual Studio compatible output you can use --template=vs:
cppcheck --template=vs samples/arrayIndexOutOfBounds/bad.c
This output will look like this:
Checking samples/arrayIndexOutOfBounds/bad.c ...
samples/arrayIndexOutOfBounds/bad.c(6): error: Array 'a[2]' accessed at index 2, which is out of bounds.
To get gcc compatible output you can use --template=gcc:
cppcheck --template=gcc samples/arrayIndexOutOfBounds/bad.c
The output will look like this:
Checking samples/arrayIndexOutOfBounds/bad.c ...
samples/arrayIndexOutOfBounds/bad.c:6:6: warning: Array 'a[2]' accessed at index 2, which is out of bounds. [arrayIndexOutOfBounds]
a[2] = 0;
User defined output format (single line)
You can write your own pattern. For instance, to get warning messages that are formatted like old gcc such format can be used:
cppcheck --template="{file}:{line}: {severity}: {message}" samples/arrayIndexOutOfBounds/bad.c
The output will look like this:
Checking samples/arrayIndexOutOfBounds/bad.c ...
samples/arrayIndexOutOfBounds/bad.c:6: error: Array 'a[2]' accessed at index 2, which is out of bounds.
A comma separated format:
cppcheck --template="{file},{line},{severity},{id},{message}" samples/arrayIndexOutOfBounds/bad.c
The output will look like this:
Checking samples/arrayIndexOutOfBounds/bad.c ...
samples/arrayIndexOutOfBounds/bad.c,6,error,arrayIndexOutOfBounds,Array 'a[2]' accessed at index 2, which is out of bounds.
User defined output format (multi line)
Many warnings have multiple locations. Example code:
void f(int *p)
*p = 3; // line 3
int main()
int *p = 0; // line 8
f(p); // line 9
return 0;
There is a possible null pointer dereference at line 3. Cppcheck can show how it came to that conclusion by showing extra location information. You need to use both --template and --template-location at the command line.
Example command:
cppcheck --template="{file}:{line}: {severity}: {message}\n{code}" --template-location="{file}:{line}: note: {info}\n{code}" multiline.c
The output from Cppcheck is:
Checking multiline.c ...
multiline.c:3: warning: Possible null pointer dereference: p
*p = 3;
multiline.c:8: note: Assignment 'p=0', assigned value is 0
int *p = 0;
multiline.c:9: note: Calling function 'f', 1st argument 'p' value is 0
multiline.c:3: note: Null pointer dereference
*p = 3;
The first line in the warning is formatted by the --template format.
The other lines in the warning are formatted by the --template-location format.
Format specifiers for --template
The available specifiers for --template are:
File name
Line number
Column number
Write all locations. Each location is written in [{file}:{line}] format and the locations are separated by ->. For instance it might look like: [multiline.c:8] -> [multiline.c:9] -> [multiline.c:3]
If warning is inconclusive then the given text is written. The given text can be any arbitrary text that does not contain }. Example: {inconclusive:inconclusive,}
The warning message
Warning id
The real code.
Carriage return
Format specifiers for --template-location
The available specifiers for --template-location
File name
Line number
Column number
Information message about current location
The real code.
Carriage return
Safe checking
This is pedantic checking. It can warn even if your code works perfectly.
- A function is "safe" if it can't crash.
- A class is "safe" if it can't crash.
As an example, this function is not "safe":
int dostuff(int x)
int a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
return a[x];
This code might work perfectly, if the value of x
is always 0-3.
But it is not "safe". If the value of x
would be negative or greater than 4, then it could crash.
Important: If Cppcheck complains that your function is not "safe" then this does not mean there is a real bug.
Activate "safe" checks
The "safe" checks can be activated in the Cppcheck-GUI in the project settings.
With annotations you can limit the safety checks.
Using MS SAL:
int dostuff(_In_range_(0,3) int x)
int a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
return a[x];
Using Cppcheck annotations:
int dostuff(__cppcheck_low__(0) __cppcheck_high__(3) int x)
int a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
return a[x];
Using C++ code contracts:
int dostuff(int x) [[expects: x >= 0 && x <= 3]]
int a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
return a[x];
Addons are scripts with extra checks. Cppcheck is distributed with a few addons.
Running Addons
Addons are standalone scripts that are executed separately.
To manually run an addon:
cppcheck --dump somefile.c
python misc.py somefile.c.dump
To run the same addon through Cppcheck directly:
cppcheck --addon=misc.py somefile.c
Some addons need extra arguments. For example misra.py can be executed manually like this:
cppcheck --dump somefile.c
python misra.py --rule-texts=misra.txt somefile.c.dump
You can configure how you want to execute an addon in a json file, for example put this in misra.json:
"script": "misra.py",
"args": [ "--rule-texts=misra.txt" ]
And then the configuration can be executed on the cppcheck command line:
cppcheck --addon=misra.json somefile.c
Help about an addon
You can read about how to use a Cppcheck addon by looking in the addon. The comments at the top of the file should have a description.
Library configuration
When external libraries are used, such as WinAPI, POSIX, gtk, Qt, etc, Cppcheck doesn't know how the external functions behave. Cppcheck then fails to detect various problems such as leaks, buffer overflows, possible null pointer dereferences, etc. But this can be fixed with configuration files.
Cppcheck already contains configurations for several libraries. They can be loaded as described below. Note that the configuration for the standard libraries of C and C++, std.cfg, is always loaded by cppcheck. If you create or update a configuration file for a popular library, we would appreciate if you upload it to us.
Using your own custom .cfg file
You can create and use your own .cfg files for your projects. Use --check-library
and --enable=information
to get hints about what you should configure.
You can use the Library Editor
in the Cppcheck GUI
to edit configuration files. It is available in the View
The .cfg file format is documented in the Reference: Cppcheck .cfg format
(http://cppcheck.sf.net/reference-cfg-format.pdf) document.
HTML Report
You can convert the XML output from cppcheck into a HTML report. You'll need Python and the pygments module (http://pygments.org/) for this to work. In the Cppcheck source tree there is a folder htmlreport that contains a script that transforms a Cppcheck XML file into HTML output.
This command generates the help screen:
htmlreport/cppcheck-htmlreport -h
The output screen says:
Usage: cppcheck-htmlreport [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--file=FILE The cppcheck xml output file to read defects from.
Default is reading from stdin.
The directory where the html report content is written.
Base directory where source code files can be found.
An example usage:
./cppcheck gui/test.cpp --xml 2> err.xml
htmlreport/cppcheck-htmlreport --file=err.xml --report-dir=test1 --source-dir=.