Add a small top margin when drawing tabs

Using style.divider_size for the top margin size.
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Francesco Abbate 2022-01-20 12:21:20 +01:00
parent 96b7e68c67
commit 10d4f0a53a
1 changed files with 25 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -346,11 +346,20 @@ function Node:get_child_overlapping_point(x, y)
-- returns: total height, text padding, top margin
local function get_tab_y_sizes()
local h = style.font:get_height()
local pad = style.padding.y
local margin = style.divider_size -- top margin
return h + 2 * pad + margin, pad, margin
function Node:get_scroll_button_rect(index)
local w, pad = get_scroll_button_width()
local h = style.font:get_height() + style.padding.y * 2
local w, pad_x = get_scroll_button_width()
local h = get_tab_y_sizes()
local x = self.position.x + (index == 1 and 0 or self.size.x - w)
return x, self.position.y, w, h, pad
return x, self.position.y, w, h, pad_x
@ -360,8 +369,8 @@ function Node:get_tab_rect(idx)
local x0 = self.position.x + sbw
local x1 = x0 + common.clamp(self.tab_width * (idx - 1) - self.tab_shift, 0, maxw)
local x2 = x0 + common.clamp(self.tab_width * idx - self.tab_shift, 0, maxw)
local h = style.font:get_height() + style.padding.y * 2
return x1, self.position.y, x2 - x1, h
local h, pad_y, margin_y = get_tab_y_sizes()
return x1, self.position.y, x2 - x1, h, margin_y
@ -520,22 +529,24 @@ function Node:draw_tab(text, is_active, is_hovered, is_close_hovered, x, y, w, h
local ds = style.divider_size
local dots_width = style.font:get_width("")
local color = style.dim
local padding_y = style.padding.y
local _, padding_y, margin_y = get_tab_y_sizes()
renderer.draw_rect(x + w, y + padding_y, ds, h - padding_y * 2, style.dim)
if standalone then
renderer.draw_rect(x-1, y-1, w+2, h+2, style.background2)
renderer.draw_rect(x-1, y + margin_y - 1, w+2, h - margin_y + 2, style.background2)
local y_label, h_label = y + margin_y, h - margin_y
if is_active then
color = style.text
renderer.draw_rect(x, y, w, h, style.background)
renderer.draw_rect(x + w, y, ds, h, style.divider)
renderer.draw_rect(x - ds, y, ds, h, style.divider)
renderer.draw_rect(x, y_label, w, h_label, style.background)
renderer.draw_rect(x, y_label, w, ds, style.divider)
renderer.draw_rect(x + w, y_label, ds, h_label, style.divider)
renderer.draw_rect(x - ds, y_label, ds, h_label, style.divider)
local cx, cw, cspace = close_button_location(x, w)
local show_close_button = ((is_active or is_hovered) and not standalone and config.tab_close_button)
if show_close_button then
local close_style = is_close_hovered and style.text or style.dim
common.draw_text(style.icon_font, close_style, "C", nil, cx, y, 0, h)
common.draw_text(style.icon_font, close_style, "C", nil, cx, y_label, 0, h_label)
if is_hovered then
color = style.text
@ -560,7 +571,7 @@ function Node:draw_tab(text, is_active, is_hovered, is_close_hovered, x, y, w, h
common.draw_text(style.font, color, text, align, x, y, w, h)
common.draw_text(style.font, color, text, align, x, y_label, w, h_label)
@ -760,7 +771,7 @@ function Node:get_drag_overlay_tab_position(x, y, dragged_node, dragged_index)
tab_index = self:get_visible_tabs_number() + (self.tab_offset - 1 or 0)
local tab_x, tab_y, tab_w, tab_h = self:get_tab_rect(tab_index)
local tab_x, tab_y, tab_w, tab_h, margin_y = self:get_tab_rect(tab_index)
if x > tab_x + tab_w / 2 and tab_index <= #self.views then
-- use next tab
tab_x = tab_x + tab_w
@ -771,7 +782,7 @@ function Node:get_drag_overlay_tab_position(x, y, dragged_node, dragged_index)
tab_index = tab_index - 1
tab_x = tab_x - tab_w
return tab_index, tab_x, tab_y, tab_w, tab_h
return tab_index, tab_x, tab_y + margin_y, tab_w, tab_h - margin_y