Added in searcher.

This commit is contained in:
Adam Harrison 2021-09-13 23:40:01 -04:00
parent 25744d93ce
commit a66a76f9c9
2 changed files with 99 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -19,3 +19,4 @@ package.path = DATADIR .. '/?.lua;' .. package.path
package.path = DATADIR .. '/?/init.lua;' .. package.path package.path = DATADIR .. '/?/init.lua;' .. package.path
package.path = USERDIR .. '/?.lua;' .. package.path package.path = USERDIR .. '/?.lua;' .. package.path
package.path = USERDIR .. '/?/init.lua;' .. package.path package.path = USERDIR .. '/?/init.lua;' .. package.path
package.searchers[3] = system.searcher_plugin

View File

@ -638,6 +638,103 @@ static int f_set_window_opacity(lua_State *L) {
} }
typedef struct {
const char* symbol;
void* address;
} lua_function_node;
#define P(FUNC) { "lua_" #FUNC, (void*)(lua_##FUNC) }
static void* api_require(const char* symbol) {
static lua_function_node nodes[] = {
P(absindex), P(arith), P(atpanic), P(callk), P(checkstack),
P(close), P(compare), P(concat), P(copy), P(createtable), P(dump),
P(error), P(gc), P(getallocf), P(getctx), P(getfield), P(getglobal),
P(gethook), P(gethookcount), P(gethookmask), P(getinfo), P(getlocal),
P(getmetatable), P(getstack), P(gettable), P(gettop), P(getupvalue),
P(getuservalue), P(insert), P(isnumber),
P(isstring), P(isuserdata), P(len), P(load),
P(newstate), P(newthread), P(newuserdata), P(next),
P(pcallk), P(pushboolean), P(pushcclosure),
P(pushfstring), P(pushinteger), P(pushlightuserdata),
P(pushlstring), P(pushnil), P(pushnumber), P(pushstring),
P(pushthread), P(pushunsigned), P(pushvalue), P(pushvfstring), P(rawequal),
P(rawget), P(rawgeti), P(rawgetp), P(rawlen), P(rawset), P(rawseti),
P(rawsetp), P(remove), P(replace), P(resume), P(setallocf),
P(setfield), P(setglobal), P(sethook), P(setlocal), P(setmetatable),
P(settable), P(settop), P(setupvalue), P(setuservalue), P(status),
P(tocfunction), P(tointegerx), P(tolstring), P(toboolean),
P(tonumberx), P(topointer), P(tothread),
P(tounsignedx), P(touserdata), P(type), P(typename), P(upvalueid),
P(upvaluejoin), P(version), P(xmove), P(yieldk)
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(nodes) / sizeof(lua_function_node); ++i) {
if (strcmp(nodes[i].symbol, symbol) == 0)
return nodes[i].address;
return NULL;
static int loader_plugin(lua_State* L) {
size_t sname, modlen, pathlen;
char buffer[512] = "lua_open_";
const char* modname = luaL_checklstring(L, -2, &modlen);
const char* path = luaL_checklstring(L, -1, &pathlen);
void* library = SDL_LoadObject(path);
if (modlen == 0 || !library)
return luaL_error(L, "Unable to load %s: %s", modname, SDL_GetError());
for (sname = modlen - 1; sname > 0 && modname[sname] != '.'; --sname);
strncat(buffer, &modname[sname], modlen - sname + 1);
int (*entrypoint)(lua_State* L, void*) = SDL_LoadFunction(library, buffer);
if (!entrypoint) {
return luaL_error(L, "Unable to load %s: Can't find entrypoint. Requires a \
function defined as int %s(lua_State* L, void* (*symbol)(const char*))",
path, buffer);
lua_pushlightuserdata(L, library);
lua_setfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, modname);
if (entrypoint(L, api_require) == 0)
return luaL_error(L, "Unable to load %s: Your entrypoint must return at\
least one argument.");
return 1;
#if _WIN32
#define PATH_SEPARATOR '\\'
#define PATH_SEPARATOR '/'
static int f_searcher_plugin(lua_State *L) {
size_t len, cpath_len, cpath_idx = 0, cpath_q = 0;
const char* modname = luaL_checklstring(L, -1, &len);
lua_getglobal(L, "package");
lua_getfield(L, -1, "cpath");
const char* cpath = luaL_checklstring(L, -1, &cpath_len);
char lib[8192];
for (size_t i = 0; i <= cpath_len; ++i) {
if (i == cpath_len || cpath[i] == ';') {
if (cpath_q) {
size_t offset = cpath_q - cpath_idx;
strncpy(lib, &cpath[cpath_idx], offset);
for (size_t j = 0; j < len && j < sizeof(lib) - 1; ++j)
lib[offset++] = modname[j] != '.' ? modname[j] : PATH_SEPARATOR;
lib[offset++] = '\0';
struct stat s;
if (!stat(lib, &s)) {
lua_pushcfunction(L, loader_plugin);
lua_pushlstring(L, lib, offset);
return 2;
cpath_idx = i + 1;
cpath_q = 0;
} else if (cpath[i] == '?') {
cpath_q = i;
return 0;
static const luaL_Reg lib[] = { static const luaL_Reg lib[] = {
{ "poll_event", f_poll_event }, { "poll_event", f_poll_event },
{ "wait_event", f_wait_event }, { "wait_event", f_wait_event },
@ -664,6 +761,7 @@ static const luaL_Reg lib[] = {
{ "exec", f_exec }, { "exec", f_exec },
{ "fuzzy_match", f_fuzzy_match }, { "fuzzy_match", f_fuzzy_match },
{ "set_window_opacity", f_set_window_opacity }, { "set_window_opacity", f_set_window_opacity },
{ "searcher_plugin", f_searcher_plugin },
}; };