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Lite XL for AmigaOS 4.1 FE

Lite XL is coming to AmigaOS 4.1. This is a preview release for my supporters and not ready for public release, so please do not share it yet.

A lot of things are not quite working. Please have a look at the todo list below, for known bugs and things I want to add.

If you would like to give me some feedback, contact me at


You can extract the Lite XL archive wherever you want and run the lite editor.

Configuration folder

This editor creates a .config folder where the configuration is saved, as well as plugins, themes etc.. By default this AmigaOS 4.1 FE version uses the executable folder, but if you want to ovveride it, create an ENV variable named HOME and set there your path.

You can check if there is one already set by executing the following command in a shell


If there is one set, then you will see the path at the output.

Otherwise, you can set your home path be executing the following command. Change the path to the one of your preference.

SetEnv SAVE HOME "Sys:home/"

TODO list

  • Make the application aknowledge of the executable file name. Now it works only with the filename lite
  • Fix A1222 compatibility where it runs fine, until the user resize the window
  • Fix loading a folder from terminal using dot (.) as path.
  • Fix the resolution of the fullscreen mode
  • Find a way to open it in a separated screen, if possible
  • Add menu items
  • Add information on what needs to be done by the user to make it faster for low end machines
  • Check which extra plugins can be used
  • Create a MorphOS port


[] - 2021-12-31


  • Fixed the Gfx memory leak. Now LiteXL frees the reserved memory from the gfx card.

[] - 2021-12-29


  • Compiled with an experimental version of the latest Anti-Grain Geometry library. This is might have issues and crash LiteXL

[] - 2021-12-26


  • Added Amiga version. This version of LiteXL is based on v1.16.12 source code which will not change. I will use the fourth digit to distinguish different AmigaOS 4 releases, until a new port of the latest available source (v2.x) is made.


  • The keyboard shortcuts are now working


  • Now the HOME ENV variable is optional. If this is not set, the LiteXL folder will be used to create user's .config folder