OpenJPEG  2.1.2
openjp2 Directory Reference


file  bio.c
file  bio.h [code]
 Implementation of an individual bit input-output (BIO)
file  cidx_manager.c
file  cidx_manager.h [code]
 Modification of jpip.h from 2KAN indexer.
file  cio.c
file  cio.h [code]
 Implementation of a byte input-output process (CIO)
file  dwt.c
file  dwt.h [code]
 Implementation of a discrete wavelet transform (DWT)
file  event.c
file  event.h [code]
 Implementation of a event callback system.
file  function_list.c
file  function_list.h [code]
 Implementation of a list of procedures.
file  image.c
file  image.h [code]
 Implementation of operations on images (IMAGE)
file  indexbox_manager.h [code]
 Modification of jpip.c from 2KAN indexer.
file  invert.c
file  invert.h [code]
 Implementation of the matrix inversion.
file  j2k.c
file  j2k.h [code]
 The JPEG-2000 Codestream Reader/Writer (J2K)
file  jp2.c
file  jp2.h [code]
 The JPEG-2000 file format Reader/Writer (JP2)
file  mct.c
file  mct.h [code]
 Implementation of a multi-component transforms (MCT)
file  mqc.c
file  mqc.h [code]
 Implementation of an MQ-Coder (MQC)
file  openjpeg.c
file  openjpeg.h [code]
file  opj_clock.c
file  opj_clock.h [code]
 Internal function for timing.
file  opj_codec.h [code]
file  opj_includes.h [code]
file  opj_intmath.h [code]
 Implementation of operations on integers (INT)
file  opj_inttypes.h [code]
file  opj_malloc.c
file  opj_malloc.h [code]
 Internal functions.
file  opj_stdint.h [code]
file  phix_manager.c
 Modification of jpip.c from 2KAN indexer.
file  pi.c
file  pi.h [code]
 Implementation of a packet iterator (PI)
file  ppix_manager.c
 Modification of jpip.c from 2KAN indexer.
file  raw.c
file  raw.h [code]
 Implementation of operations for raw encoding (RAW)
file  t1.c
file  t1.h [code]
 Implementation of the tier-1 coding (coding of code-block coefficients) (T1)
file  t1_generate_luts.c
file  t1_luts.h [code]
file  t2.c
file  t2.h [code]
 Implementation of a tier-2 coding (packetization of code-block data) (T2)
file  tcd.c
file  tcd.h [code]
 Implementation of a tile coder/decoder (TCD)
file  tgt.c
file  tgt.h [code]
 Implementation of a tag-tree coder (TGT)
file  thix_manager.c
 Modification of jpip.c from 2KAN indexer.
file  tpix_manager.c
 Modification of jpip.c from 2KAN indexer.