OpenJPEG  2.1.2
Macros | Functions
j2kheader_manager.c File Reference
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "j2kheader_manager.h"


#define FCGI_stdout   stdout
#define FCGI_stderr   stderr
#define logstream   stderr


SIZmarker_param_t get_SIZmkrdata_from_j2kstream (Byte_t *SIZstream)
CODmarker_param_t get_CODmkrdata_from_j2kstream (Byte_t *CODstream)
OPJ_BOOL get_mainheader_from_j2kstream (Byte_t *j2kstream, SIZmarker_param_t *SIZ, CODmarker_param_t *COD)
 get main header information from j2k codestream More...
OPJ_BOOL modify_SIZmkrstream (SIZmarker_param_t SIZ, int difOfdecomplev, Byte_t *SIZstream)
Byte2_t modify_CODmkrstream (CODmarker_param_t COD, int numOfdecomp, Byte_t *CODstream)
OPJ_BOOL modify_mainheader (Byte_t *j2kstream, int numOfdecomp, SIZmarker_param_t SIZ, CODmarker_param_t COD, Byte8_t *j2klen)
 modify main header in j2k codestream to fit with the new number of decompositions More...
OPJ_BOOL modify_COCmkrstream (int numOfdecomp, Byte_t *COCstream, Byte2_t Csiz, Byte2_t *oldLcoc, Byte2_t *newLcoc)
OPJ_BOOL modify_tileheader (Byte_t *j2kstream, Byte8_t SOToffset, int numOfdecomp, Byte2_t Csiz, Byte8_t *j2klen)
 modify tile header in j2k codestream to fit with the tile part length, and new number of decompositions for multi-componet images More...

Macro Definition Documentation

#define FCGI_stderr   stderr
#define FCGI_stdout   stdout
#define logstream   stderr

Function Documentation

CODmarker_param_t get_CODmkrdata_from_j2kstream ( Byte_t CODstream)
OPJ_BOOL get_mainheader_from_j2kstream ( Byte_t j2kstream,
SIZmarker_param_t SIZ,
CODmarker_param_t COD 

get main header information from j2k codestream

[in]j2kstreamj2k codestream
[out]SIZSIZ marker pointer
[out]CODCOD marker pointer
if succeeded (true) or failed (false)

References big2(), FCGI_stderr, get_CODmkrdata_from_j2kstream(), get_SIZmkrdata_from_j2kstream(), CODmarker_param::Lcod, SIZmarker_param::Lsiz, OPJ_FALSE, and OPJ_TRUE.

Referenced by get_SIZ_from_jpipstream(), recons_codestream_from_JPPstream(), and recons_codestream_from_JPTstream().

SIZmarker_param_t get_SIZmkrdata_from_j2kstream ( Byte_t SIZstream)
OPJ_BOOL modify_COCmkrstream ( int  numOfdecomp,
Byte_t COCstream,
Byte2_t  Csiz,
Byte2_t oldLcoc,
Byte2_t newLcoc 

References big2(), FCGI_stderr, OPJ_FALSE, and OPJ_TRUE.

Referenced by modify_tileheader().

Byte2_t modify_CODmkrstream ( CODmarker_param_t  COD,
int  numOfdecomp,
Byte_t CODstream 
OPJ_BOOL modify_mainheader ( Byte_t j2kstream,
int  numOfdecomp,
SIZmarker_param_t  SIZ,
CODmarker_param_t  COD,
Byte8_t j2klen 

modify main header in j2k codestream to fit with the new number of decompositions

[in]j2kstreamj2k codestream
[in]numOfdecompthe New number of decompositions
[in]SIZoriginal SIZ marker information
[in]CODoriginal COD marker information
[out]j2klenpointer to the length of j2k code stream
if succeeded (true) or failed (false)

References FCGI_stderr, CODmarker_param::Lcod, SIZmarker_param::Lsiz, modify_CODmkrstream(), modify_SIZmkrstream(), CODmarker_param::numOfdecomp, OPJ_FALSE, and OPJ_TRUE.

Referenced by recons_codestream_from_JPPstream().

OPJ_BOOL modify_SIZmkrstream ( SIZmarker_param_t  SIZ,
int  difOfdecomplev,
Byte_t SIZstream 
OPJ_BOOL modify_tileheader ( Byte_t j2kstream,
Byte8_t  SOToffset,
int  numOfdecomp,
Byte2_t  Csiz,
Byte8_t j2klen 

modify tile header in j2k codestream to fit with the tile part length, and new number of decompositions for multi-componet images

[in]j2kstreamj2k codestream
[in]SOToffsetoffset of SOT marker from the beginning of j2kstream
[in]numOfdecompthe New number of decompositions, -1 if the same as original
[in]Csiznumber of components
[out]j2klenpointer to the length of j2k code stream
if succeeded (true) or failed (false)

References FCGI_stderr, modify_4Bytecode(), modify_COCmkrstream(), OPJ_FALSE, and OPJ_TRUE.

Referenced by recons_codestream_from_JPPstream().