OpenJPEG  2.3.0
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
j2k.h File Reference

The JPEG-2000 Codestream Reader/Writer (J2K) More...

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Data Structures

struct  opj_stepsize
 Quantization stepsize. More...
struct  opj_tccp
 Tile-component coding parameters. More...
struct  opj_mct_data
 FIXME DOC. More...
struct  opj_simple_mcc_decorrelation_data
 FIXME DOC. More...
struct  opj_ppx_struct
struct  opj_tcp
 Tile coding parameters : this structure is used to store coding/decoding parameters common to all tiles (information like COD, COC in main header) More...
struct  opj_encoding_param
struct  opj_decoding_param
struct  opj_cp
 Coding parameters. More...
struct  opj_j2k_dec
struct  opj_j2k_enc
struct  opj_j2k
 JPEG-2000 codestream reader/writer. More...


#define J2K_CP_CSTY_PRT   0x01
#define J2K_CP_CSTY_SOP   0x02
#define J2K_CP_CSTY_EPH   0x04
#define J2K_CCP_CSTY_PRT   0x01
#define J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_LAZY   0x01
 Selective arithmetic coding bypass. More...
#define J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_RESET   0x02
 Reset context probabilities on coding pass boundaries. More...
#define J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_TERMALL   0x04
 Termination on each coding pass. More...
#define J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_VSC   0x08
 Vertically stripe causal context. More...
#define J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_PTERM   0x10
 Predictable termination. More...
#define J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_SEGSYM   0x20
 Segmentation symbols are used. More...
#define J2K_CCP_QNTSTY_NOQNT   0
#define J2K_CCP_QNTSTY_SIQNT   1
#define J2K_CCP_QNTSTY_SEQNT   2
#define J2K_MS_SOC   0xff4f
 SOC marker value. More...
#define J2K_MS_SOT   0xff90
 SOT marker value. More...
#define J2K_MS_SOD   0xff93
 SOD marker value. More...
#define J2K_MS_EOC   0xffd9
 EOC marker value. More...
#define J2K_MS_SIZ   0xff51
 SIZ marker value. More...
#define J2K_MS_COD   0xff52
 COD marker value. More...
#define J2K_MS_COC   0xff53
 COC marker value. More...
#define J2K_MS_RGN   0xff5e
 RGN marker value. More...
#define J2K_MS_QCD   0xff5c
 QCD marker value. More...
#define J2K_MS_QCC   0xff5d
 QCC marker value. More...
#define J2K_MS_POC   0xff5f
 POC marker value. More...
#define J2K_MS_TLM   0xff55
 TLM marker value. More...
#define J2K_MS_PLM   0xff57
 PLM marker value. More...
#define J2K_MS_PLT   0xff58
 PLT marker value. More...
#define J2K_MS_PPM   0xff60
 PPM marker value. More...
#define J2K_MS_PPT   0xff61
 PPT marker value. More...
#define J2K_MS_SOP   0xff91
 SOP marker value. More...
#define J2K_MS_EPH   0xff92
 EPH marker value. More...
#define J2K_MS_CRG   0xff63
 CRG marker value. More...
#define J2K_MS_COM   0xff64
 COM marker value. More...
#define J2K_MS_CBD   0xff78
 CBD marker value. More...
#define J2K_MS_MCC   0xff75
 MCC marker value. More...
#define J2K_MS_MCT   0xff74
 MCT marker value. More...
#define J2K_MS_MCO   0xff77
 MCO marker value. More...
#define J2K_MS_UNK   0
 UNKNOWN marker value. More...
#define J2K_MS_EPC   0xff68
 EPC marker value (Part 11: JPEG 2000 for Wireless) More...
#define J2K_MS_EPB   0xff66
 EPB marker value (Part 11: JPEG 2000 for Wireless) More...
#define J2K_MS_ESD   0xff67
 ESD marker value (Part 11: JPEG 2000 for Wireless) More...
#define J2K_MS_RED   0xff69
 RED marker value (Part 11: JPEG 2000 for Wireless) More...
#define J2K_MS_SEC   0xff65
 SEC marker value (Part 8: Secure JPEG 2000) More...
#define J2K_MS_INSEC   0xff94
 INSEC marker value (Part 8: Secure JPEG 2000) More...
#define J2K_MAX_POCS   32
 Maximum number of POCs. More...


typedef enum J2K_STATUS J2K_STATUS
 Values that specify the status of the decoding process when decoding the main header. More...
 Type of elements storing in the MCT data. More...
 Type of MCT array. More...
typedef enum T2_MODE J2K_T2_MODE
 T2 encoding mode. More...
typedef struct opj_stepsize opj_stepsize_t
 Quantization stepsize. More...
typedef struct opj_tccp opj_tccp_t
 Tile-component coding parameters. More...
typedef struct opj_mct_data opj_mct_data_t
 FIXME DOC. More...
typedef struct opj_simple_mcc_decorrelation_data opj_simple_mcc_decorrelation_data_t
 FIXME DOC. More...
typedef struct opj_ppx_struct opj_ppx
typedef struct opj_tcp opj_tcp_t
 Tile coding parameters : this structure is used to store coding/decoding parameters common to all tiles (information like COD, COC in main header) More...
typedef struct opj_encoding_param opj_encoding_param_t
typedef struct opj_decoding_param opj_decoding_param_t
typedef struct opj_cp opj_cp_t
 Coding parameters. More...
typedef struct opj_j2k_dec opj_j2k_dec_t
typedef struct opj_j2k_enc opj_j2k_enc_t
typedef struct opj_j2k opj_j2k_t
 JPEG-2000 codestream reader/writer. More...


enum  J2K_STATUS {
  J2K_STATE_NONE = 0x0000, J2K_STATE_MHSOC = 0x0001, J2K_STATE_MHSIZ = 0x0002, J2K_STATE_MH = 0x0004,
  J2K_STATE_TPHSOT = 0x0008, J2K_STATE_TPH = 0x0010, J2K_STATE_MT = 0x0020, J2K_STATE_NEOC = 0x0040,
  J2K_STATE_DATA = 0x0080, J2K_STATE_EOC = 0x0100, J2K_STATE_ERR = 0x8000
 Values that specify the status of the decoding process when decoding the main header. More...
 Type of elements storing in the MCT data. More...
 Type of MCT array. More...
enum  T2_MODE { THRESH_CALC = 0, FINAL_PASS = 1 }
 T2 encoding mode. More...


OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_end_decompress (opj_j2k_t *j2k, opj_stream_private_t *p_stream, opj_event_mgr_t *p_manager)
 Ends the decompression procedures and possibiliy add data to be read after the codestream. More...
OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_read_header (opj_stream_private_t *p_stream, opj_j2k_t *p_j2k, opj_image_t **p_image, opj_event_mgr_t *p_manager)
 Reads a jpeg2000 codestream header structure. More...
void opj_j2k_destroy (opj_j2k_t *p_j2k)
 Destroys a jpeg2000 codec. More...
void j2k_destroy_cstr_index (opj_codestream_index_t *p_cstr_ind)
 Destroys a codestream index structure. More...
OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_decode_tile (opj_j2k_t *p_j2k, OPJ_UINT32 p_tile_index, OPJ_BYTE *p_data, OPJ_UINT32 p_data_size, opj_stream_private_t *p_stream, opj_event_mgr_t *p_manager)
 Decode tile data. More...
OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_read_tile_header (opj_j2k_t *p_j2k, OPJ_UINT32 *p_tile_index, OPJ_UINT32 *p_data_size, OPJ_INT32 *p_tile_x0, OPJ_INT32 *p_tile_y0, OPJ_INT32 *p_tile_x1, OPJ_INT32 *p_tile_y1, OPJ_UINT32 *p_nb_comps, OPJ_BOOL *p_go_on, opj_stream_private_t *p_stream, opj_event_mgr_t *p_manager)
 Reads a tile header. More...
OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_set_decoded_components (opj_j2k_t *p_j2k, OPJ_UINT32 numcomps, const OPJ_UINT32 *comps_indices, opj_event_mgr_t *p_manager)
 Sets the indices of the components to decode. More...
OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_set_decode_area (opj_j2k_t *p_j2k, opj_image_t *p_image, OPJ_INT32 p_start_x, OPJ_INT32 p_start_y, OPJ_INT32 p_end_x, OPJ_INT32 p_end_y, opj_event_mgr_t *p_manager)
 Sets the given area to be decoded. More...
opj_j2k_topj_j2k_create_decompress (void)
 Creates a J2K decompression structure. More...
void j2k_dump (opj_j2k_t *p_j2k, OPJ_INT32 flag, FILE *out_stream)
 Dump some elements from the J2K decompression structure . More...
void j2k_dump_image_header (opj_image_t *image, OPJ_BOOL dev_dump_flag, FILE *out_stream)
 Dump an image header structure. More...
void j2k_dump_image_comp_header (opj_image_comp_t *comp, OPJ_BOOL dev_dump_flag, FILE *out_stream)
 Dump a component image header structure. More...
opj_codestream_info_v2_tj2k_get_cstr_info (opj_j2k_t *p_j2k)
 Get the codestream info from a JPEG2000 codec. More...
opj_codestream_index_tj2k_get_cstr_index (opj_j2k_t *p_j2k)
 Get the codestream index from a JPEG2000 codec. More...
OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_decode (opj_j2k_t *j2k, opj_stream_private_t *p_stream, opj_image_t *p_image, opj_event_mgr_t *p_manager)
 Decode an image from a JPEG-2000 codestream. More...
OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_get_tile (opj_j2k_t *p_j2k, opj_stream_private_t *p_stream, opj_image_t *p_image, opj_event_mgr_t *p_manager, OPJ_UINT32 tile_index)
OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_set_decoded_resolution_factor (opj_j2k_t *p_j2k, OPJ_UINT32 res_factor, opj_event_mgr_t *p_manager)
OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_write_tile (opj_j2k_t *p_j2k, OPJ_UINT32 p_tile_index, OPJ_BYTE *p_data, OPJ_UINT32 p_data_size, opj_stream_private_t *p_stream, opj_event_mgr_t *p_manager)
 Writes a tile. More...
OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_encode (opj_j2k_t *p_j2k, opj_stream_private_t *cio, opj_event_mgr_t *p_manager)
 Encodes an image into a JPEG-2000 codestream. More...
OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_start_compress (opj_j2k_t *p_j2k, opj_stream_private_t *p_stream, opj_image_t *p_image, opj_event_mgr_t *p_manager)
 Starts a compression scheme, i.e. More...
OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_end_compress (opj_j2k_t *p_j2k, opj_stream_private_t *cio, opj_event_mgr_t *p_manager)
 Ends the compression procedures and possibiliy add data to be read after the codestream. More...
OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_setup_mct_encoding (opj_tcp_t *p_tcp, opj_image_t *p_image)
Exported functions
void opj_j2k_setup_decoder (opj_j2k_t *j2k, opj_dparameters_t *parameters)
 Setup the decoder decoding parameters using user parameters. More...
OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_set_threads (opj_j2k_t *j2k, OPJ_UINT32 num_threads)
opj_j2k_topj_j2k_create_compress (void)
 Creates a J2K compression structure. More...
OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_setup_encoder (opj_j2k_t *p_j2k, opj_cparameters_t *parameters, opj_image_t *image, opj_event_mgr_t *p_manager)
const char * opj_j2k_convert_progression_order (OPJ_PROG_ORDER prg_order)
 Converts an enum type progression order to string type. More...

Detailed Description

The JPEG-2000 Codestream Reader/Writer (J2K)

The functions in J2K.C have for goal to read/write the several parts of the codestream: markers and data.

Function Documentation

void j2k_destroy_cstr_index ( opj_codestream_index_t p_cstr_ind)

Destroys a codestream index structure.

p_cstr_indthe codestream index parameter to destroy.

References opj_tile_index::marker, opj_codestream_index::marker, opj_codestream_index::nb_of_tiles, opj_free(), opj_tile_index::packet_index, opj_codestream_index::tile_index, and opj_tile_index::tp_index.

Referenced by opj_destroy_cstr_index(), and opj_j2k_destroy().

void j2k_dump ( opj_j2k_t p_j2k,
OPJ_INT32  flag,
FILE *  out_stream 

Dump some elements from the J2K decompression structure .

p_j2kthe jpeg2000 codec.
flagflag to describe what elements are dump.
out_streamoutput stream where dump the elements.

References j2k_dump_image_header(), opj_j2k::m_cp, opj_j2k::m_private_image, opj_image::numcomps, OPJ_IMG_INFO, opj_j2k_dump_MH_index(), opj_j2k_dump_MH_info(), opj_j2k_dump_tile_info(), OPJ_J2K_MH_IND, OPJ_J2K_MH_INFO, OPJ_J2K_TCH_INFO, OPJ_J2K_TH_IND, OPJ_J2K_TH_INFO, OPJ_JP2_IND, OPJ_JP2_INFO, opj_cp::tcps, opj_cp::th, and opj_cp::tw.

Referenced by jp2_dump(), and opj_create_decompress().

void j2k_dump_image_comp_header ( opj_image_comp_t comp,
OPJ_BOOL  dev_dump_flag,
FILE *  out_stream 

Dump a component image header structure.

compthe component image header to dump.
dev_dump_flagflag to describe if we are in the case of this function is use outside j2k_dump function
out_streamoutput stream where dump the elements.

References opj_image_comp::dx, opj_image_comp::dy, opj_image_comp::prec, and opj_image_comp::sgnd.

Referenced by j2k_dump_image_header().

void j2k_dump_image_header ( opj_image_t image,
OPJ_BOOL  dev_dump_flag,
FILE *  out_stream 

Dump an image header structure.

imagethe image header to dump.
dev_dump_flagflag to describe if we are in the case of this function is use outside j2k_dump function
out_streamoutput stream where dump the elements.

References opj_image::comps, j2k_dump_image_comp_header(), opj_image::numcomps, opj_image::x0, opj_image::x1, opj_image::y0, and opj_image::y1.

Referenced by j2k_dump().

opj_codestream_index_t* j2k_get_cstr_index ( opj_j2k_t p_j2k)
opj_codestream_info_v2_t* j2k_get_cstr_info ( opj_j2k_t p_j2k)

Get the codestream info from a JPEG2000 codec.

p_j2kthe component image header to dump.
the codestream information extract from the jpg2000 codec

References opj_tccp::cblkh, opj_tccp_info::cblkh, opj_tccp::cblksty, opj_tccp_info::cblksty, opj_tccp::cblkw, opj_tccp_info::cblkw, opj_tccp::csty, opj_tcp::csty, opj_tccp_info::csty, opj_tile_v2_info::csty, opj_stepsize::expn, J2K_CCP_QNTSTY_SIQNT, opj_j2k::m_cp, opj_j2k::m_decoder, opj_j2k_dec::m_default_tcp, opj_codestream_info_v2::m_default_tile_info, opj_j2k::m_private_image, opj_j2k::m_specific_param, opj_stepsize::mant, opj_tcp::mct, opj_tile_v2_info::mct, opj_codestream_info_v2::nbcomps, opj_image::numcomps, opj_tccp::numgbits, opj_tccp_info::numgbits, opj_tcp::numlayers, opj_tile_v2_info::numlayers, opj_tccp::numresolutions, opj_tccp_info::numresolutions, opj_calloc(), opj_destroy_cstr_info(), OPJ_J2K_MAXBANDS, OPJ_J2K_MAXRLVLS, opj_tccp::prch, opj_tccp_info::prch, opj_tccp::prcw, opj_tccp_info::prcw, opj_tcp::prg, opj_tile_v2_info::prg, opj_tccp::qmfbid, opj_tccp_info::qmfbid, opj_tccp::qntsty, opj_tccp_info::qntsty, opj_tccp::roishift, opj_tccp_info::roishift, opj_tccp::stepsizes, opj_tccp_info::stepsizes_expn, opj_tccp_info::stepsizes_mant, opj_tile_v2_info::tccp_info, opj_tcp::tccps, opj_cp::tdx, opj_codestream_info_v2::tdx, opj_cp::tdy, opj_codestream_info_v2::tdy, opj_cp::th, opj_codestream_info_v2::th, opj_codestream_info_v2::tile_info, opj_cp::tw, opj_codestream_info_v2::tw, opj_cp::tx0, opj_codestream_info_v2::tx0, opj_cp::ty0, and opj_codestream_info_v2::ty0.

Referenced by jp2_get_cstr_info(), and opj_create_decompress().

opj_j2k_t* opj_j2k_create_decompress ( void  )
OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_decode ( opj_j2k_t j2k,
opj_stream_private_t p_stream,
opj_image_t p_image,
opj_event_mgr_t p_manager 
OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_decode_tile ( opj_j2k_t p_j2k,
OPJ_UINT32  p_tile_index,
OPJ_BYTE p_data,
OPJ_UINT32  p_data_size,
opj_stream_private_t p_stream,
opj_event_mgr_t p_manager 
void opj_j2k_destroy ( opj_j2k_t p_j2k)
OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_encode ( opj_j2k_t p_j2k,
opj_stream_private_t cio,
opj_event_mgr_t p_manager 
OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_end_compress ( opj_j2k_t p_j2k,
opj_stream_private_t cio,
opj_event_mgr_t p_manager 

Ends the compression procedures and possibiliy add data to be read after the codestream.

References opj_j2k::m_procedure_list, OPJ_FALSE, opj_j2k_exec(), opj_j2k_setup_end_compress(), and OPJ_TRUE.

Referenced by opj_create_compress(), and opj_jp2_end_compress().

OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_end_decompress ( opj_j2k_t j2k,
opj_stream_private_t p_stream,
opj_event_mgr_t p_manager 

Ends the decompression procedures and possibiliy add data to be read after the codestream.

References OPJ_TRUE.

Referenced by opj_create_decompress(), and opj_jp2_end_decompress().

OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_get_tile ( opj_j2k_t p_j2k,
opj_stream_private_t p_stream,
opj_image_t p_image,
opj_event_mgr_t p_manager,
OPJ_UINT32  tile_index 
OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_read_header ( opj_stream_private_t p_stream,
opj_j2k_t p_j2k,
opj_image_t **  p_image,
opj_event_mgr_t p_manager 

Reads a jpeg2000 codestream header structure.

p_streamthe stream to read data from.
p_j2kthe jpeg2000 codec.
p_imageFIXME DOC
p_managerthe user event manager.
true if the box is valid.

References opj_j2k::m_private_image, opj_j2k::m_procedure_list, opj_j2k::m_validation_list, opj_copy_image_header(), OPJ_FALSE, opj_image_create0(), opj_image_destroy(), opj_j2k_allocate_tile_element_cstr_index(), opj_j2k_exec(), opj_j2k_setup_decoding_validation(), opj_j2k_setup_header_reading(), and OPJ_TRUE.

Referenced by opj_create_decompress(), and opj_jp2_read_header().

OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_read_tile_header ( opj_j2k_t p_j2k,
OPJ_UINT32 p_tile_index,
OPJ_UINT32 p_data_size,
OPJ_INT32 p_tile_x0,
OPJ_INT32 p_tile_y0,
OPJ_INT32 p_tile_x1,
OPJ_INT32 p_tile_y1,
OPJ_UINT32 p_nb_comps,
OPJ_BOOL p_go_on,
opj_stream_private_t p_stream,
opj_event_mgr_t p_manager 

Reads a tile header.

p_j2kthe jpeg2000 codec.
p_tile_indexFIXME DOC
p_data_sizeFIXME DOC
p_tile_x0FIXME DOC
p_tile_y0FIXME DOC
p_tile_x1FIXME DOC
p_tile_y1FIXME DOC
p_nb_compsFIXME DOC
p_go_onFIXME DOC
p_streamthe stream to write data to.
p_managerthe user event manager.

References opj_j2k::cstr_index, EVT_ERROR, EVT_INFO, EVT_WARNING, opj_dec_memory_marker_handler::handler, opj_dec_memory_marker_handler::id, J2K_MS_EOC, J2K_MS_SOD, J2K_MS_SOT, J2K_STATE_DATA, J2K_STATE_EOC, J2K_STATE_NEOC, J2K_STATE_TPH, J2K_STATE_TPHSOT, opj_j2k_dec::m_can_decode, opj_j2k::m_cp, opj_j2k::m_current_tile_number, opj_tcp::m_data, opj_j2k::m_decoder, opj_j2k_dec::m_header_data, opj_j2k_dec::m_header_data_size, opj_j2k_dec::m_last_sot_read_pos, opj_tcp::m_nb_tile_parts, opj_j2k_dec::m_nb_tile_parts_correction, opj_j2k_dec::m_nb_tile_parts_correction_checked, opj_j2k_dec::m_skip_data, opj_j2k_dec::m_sot_length, opj_j2k::m_specific_param, opj_j2k_dec::m_state, opj_j2k::m_tcd, opj_tcd_tile::numcomps, opj_event_msg(), OPJ_FALSE, opj_free(), opj_j2k_add_tlmarker(), opj_j2k_get_marker_handler(), opj_j2k_merge_ppt(), opj_j2k_need_nb_tile_parts_correction(), opj_j2k_read_sod(), opj_read_bytes, opj_realloc(), opj_stream_get_number_byte_left(), opj_stream_read_data(), opj_stream_skip(), opj_stream_tell(), opj_tcd_get_decoded_tile_size(), opj_tcd_init_decode_tile(), OPJ_TRUE, opj_dec_memory_marker_handler::states, opj_tcd::tcd_image, opj_cp::tcps, opj_cp::th, opj_tcd_image::tiles, opj_cp::tw, opj_tcd_tile::x0, opj_tcd_tile::x1, opj_tcd_tile::y0, and opj_tcd_tile::y1.

Referenced by opj_create_decompress(), opj_j2k_decode_one_tile(), opj_j2k_decode_tiles(), and opj_jp2_read_tile_header().

OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_set_decode_area ( opj_j2k_t p_j2k,
opj_image_t p_image,
OPJ_INT32  p_start_x,
OPJ_INT32  p_start_y,
OPJ_INT32  p_end_x,
OPJ_INT32  p_end_y,
opj_event_mgr_t p_manager 

Sets the given area to be decoded.

This function should be called right after opj_read_header and before any tile header reading.

p_j2kthe jpeg2000 codec.
p_imageFIXME DOC
p_start_xthe left position of the rectangle to decode (in image coordinates).
p_start_ythe up position of the rectangle to decode (in image coordinates).
p_end_xthe right position of the rectangle to decode (in image coordinates).
p_end_ythe bottom position of the rectangle to decode (in image coordinates).
p_managerthe user event manager
true if the area could be set.

References opj_image::comps, EVT_ERROR, EVT_INFO, EVT_WARNING, opj_image_comp::factor, J2K_STATE_TPHSOT, opj_j2k::m_cp, opj_tcp::m_data, opj_cp::m_dec, opj_j2k::m_decoder, opj_j2k_dec::m_discard_tiles, opj_j2k_dec::m_end_tile_x, opj_j2k_dec::m_end_tile_y, opj_j2k::m_private_image, opj_decoding_param::m_reduce, opj_cp::m_specific_param, opj_j2k::m_specific_param, opj_j2k_dec::m_start_tile_x, opj_j2k_dec::m_start_tile_y, opj_j2k_dec::m_state, opj_image::numcomps, opj_event_msg(), OPJ_FALSE, opj_int_ceildiv(), opj_j2k_update_image_dimensions(), opj_cp::tcps, opj_cp::tdx, opj_cp::tdy, opj_cp::th, opj_cp::tw, opj_cp::tx0, opj_cp::ty0, opj_image::x0, opj_image::x1, opj_image::y0, and opj_image::y1.

Referenced by opj_create_decompress(), and opj_jp2_set_decode_area().

OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_set_decoded_components ( opj_j2k_t p_j2k,
OPJ_UINT32  numcomps,
const OPJ_UINT32 comps_indices,
opj_event_mgr_t p_manager 

Sets the indices of the components to decode.

p_j2kthe jpeg2000 codec.
numcompsNumber of components to decode.
comps_indicesArray of num_compts indices (numbering starting at 0) corresponding to the components to decode.
p_managerEvent manager
OPJ_TRUE in case of success.

References EVT_ERROR, opj_j2k_dec::m_comps_indices_to_decode, opj_j2k::m_decoder, opj_j2k_dec::m_numcomps_to_decode, opj_j2k::m_private_image, opj_j2k::m_specific_param, opj_image::numcomps, opj_calloc(), opj_event_msg(), OPJ_FALSE, opj_free(), opj_malloc(), and OPJ_TRUE.

Referenced by opj_create_decompress(), and opj_jp2_set_decoded_components().

OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_set_decoded_resolution_factor ( opj_j2k_t p_j2k,
OPJ_UINT32  res_factor,
opj_event_mgr_t p_manager 
OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_setup_mct_encoding ( opj_tcp_t p_tcp,
opj_image_t p_image 
OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_start_compress ( opj_j2k_t p_j2k,
opj_stream_private_t p_stream,
opj_image_t p_image,
opj_event_mgr_t p_manager 

Starts a compression scheme, i.e.

validates the codec parameters, writes the header.

p_j2kthe jpeg2000 codec.
p_streamthe stream object.
p_imageFIXME DOC
p_managerthe user event manager.
true if the codec is valid.

References opj_image::comps, opj_image_comp::data, EVT_ERROR, opj_j2k::m_private_image, opj_j2k::m_procedure_list, opj_j2k::m_validation_list, opj_image::numcomps, opj_copy_image_header(), opj_event_msg(), OPJ_FALSE, opj_image_create0(), opj_j2k_exec(), opj_j2k_setup_encoding_validation(), opj_j2k_setup_header_writing(), and OPJ_TRUE.

Referenced by opj_create_compress(), and opj_jp2_start_compress().

OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_write_tile ( opj_j2k_t p_j2k,
OPJ_UINT32  p_tile_index,
OPJ_BYTE p_data,
OPJ_UINT32  p_data_size,
opj_stream_private_t p_stream,
opj_event_mgr_t p_manager 

Writes a tile.

p_j2kthe jpeg2000 codec.
p_tile_indexFIXME DOC
p_data_sizeFIXME DOC
p_streamthe stream to write data to.
p_managerthe user event manager.

References opj_tcd_tile::comps, EVT_ERROR, opj_tcd::image, opj_j2k::m_tcd, opj_image::numcomps, opj_alloc_tile_component_data(), opj_event_msg(), OPJ_FALSE, opj_j2k_post_write_tile(), opj_j2k_pre_write_tile(), opj_tcd_copy_tile_data(), OPJ_TRUE, opj_tcd::tcd_image, and opj_tcd_image::tiles.

Referenced by opj_create_compress(), and opj_jp2_write_tile().