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2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
* Internal function/structure declaration. Do NOT include in your
* application.
* Please see the file LICENSE in the source's root directory.
* This file written by Ryan C. Gordon.
#error Do not include this header from your applications.
#include "physfs.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* The LANG section. */
/* please send questions/translations to Ryan: */
#if (!defined PHYSFS_LANG)
#define PHYSFS_LANG_ENGLISH 1 /* English text by Ryan C. Gordon */
2002-07-29 23:13:12 +02:00
#define PHYSFS_LANG_RUSSIAN_KOI8_R 2 /* Russian text by Ed Sinjiashvili */
#define PHYSFS_LANG_SPANISH 3 /* Spanish text by Pedro J. P<>rez */
2002-07-30 07:41:02 +02:00
#define PHYSFS_LANG_FRENCH 4 /* French text by St<53>phane Peter */
#define DIR_ARCHIVE_DESCRIPTION "Non-archive, direct filesystem I/O"
#define GRP_ARCHIVE_DESCRIPTION "Build engine Groupfile format"
#define ZIP_ARCHIVE_DESCRIPTION "PkZip/WinZip/Info-Zip compatible"
#define ERR_IS_INITIALIZED "Already initialized"
#define ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED "Not initialized"
#define ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT "Invalid argument"
#define ERR_FILES_STILL_OPEN "Files still open"
#define ERR_NO_DIR_CREATE "Failed to create directories"
#define ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY "Out of memory"
#define ERR_NOT_IN_SEARCH_PATH "No such entry in search path"
#define ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED "Operation not supported"
#define ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ARCHIVE "Archive type unsupported"
#define ERR_NOT_A_HANDLE "Not a file handle"
#define ERR_INSECURE_FNAME "Insecure filename"
#define ERR_SYMLINK_DISALLOWED "Symbolic links are disabled"
#define ERR_NO_WRITE_DIR "Write directory is not set"
#define ERR_NO_SUCH_FILE "File not found"
#define ERR_NO_SUCH_PATH "Path not found"
#define ERR_NO_SUCH_VOLUME "Volume not found"
#define ERR_PAST_EOF "Past end of file"
#define ERR_ARC_IS_READ_ONLY "Archive is read-only"
#define ERR_IO_ERROR "I/O error"
#define ERR_CANT_SET_WRITE_DIR "Can't set write directory"
#define ERR_SYMLINK_LOOP "Infinite symbolic link loop"
#define ERR_COMPRESSION "(De)compression error"
#define ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED "Not implemented"
#define ERR_OS_ERROR "Operating system reported error"
#define ERR_FILE_EXISTS "File already exists"
#define ERR_NOT_A_FILE "Not a file"
#define ERR_NOT_A_DIR "Not a directory"
#define ERR_NOT_AN_ARCHIVE "Not an archive"
#define ERR_CORRUPTED "Corrupted archive"
#define ERR_SEEK_OUT_OF_RANGE "Seek out of range"
#define ERR_BAD_FILENAME "Bad filename"
#define ERR_PHYSFS_BAD_OS_CALL "(BUG) PhysicsFS made a bad system call"
#define ERR_ARGV0_IS_NULL "argv0 is NULL"
#define ERR_ZLIB_NEED_DICT "zlib: need dictionary"
#define ERR_ZLIB_DATA_ERROR "zlib: data error"
#define ERR_ZLIB_MEMORY_ERROR "zlib: memory error"
#define ERR_ZLIB_BUFFER_ERROR "zlib: buffer error"
#define ERR_ZLIB_VERSION_ERROR "zlib: version error"
#define ERR_ZLIB_UNKNOWN_ERROR "zlib: unknown error"
#define ERR_SEARCHPATH_TRUNC "Search path was truncated"
#define ERR_GETMODFN_TRUNC "GetModuleFileName() was truncated"
#define ERR_GETMODFN_NO_DIR "GetModuleFileName() had no dir"
#define ERR_DISK_FULL "Disk is full"
#define ERR_DIRECTORY_FULL "Directory full"
#define ERR_MACOS_GENERIC "MacOS reported error (%d)"
#define ERR_OS2_GENERIC "OS/2 reported error (%d)"
#define ERR_VOL_LOCKED_HW "Volume is locked through hardware"
#define ERR_VOL_LOCKED_SW "Volume is locked through software"
#define ERR_FILE_LOCKED "File is locked"
#define ERR_FILE_OR_DIR_BUSY "File/directory is busy"
#define ERR_FILE_ALREADY_OPEN_W "File already open for writing"
#define ERR_FILE_ALREADY_OPEN_R "File already open for reading"
#define ERR_INVALID_REFNUM "Invalid reference number"
#define ERR_GETTING_FILE_POS "Error getting file position"
#define ERR_VOLUME_OFFLINE "Volume is offline"
#define ERR_PERMISSION_DENIED "Permission denied"
#define ERR_VOL_ALREADY_ONLINE "Volume already online"
#define ERR_NO_SUCH_DRIVE "No such drive"
#define ERR_NOT_MAC_DISK "Not a Macintosh disk"
#define ERR_VOL_EXTERNAL_FS "Volume belongs to an external filesystem"
#define ERR_PROBLEM_RENAME "Problem during rename"
#define ERR_BAD_MASTER_BLOCK "Bad master directory block"
#define ERR_CANT_MOVE_FORBIDDEN "Attempt to move forbidden"
#define ERR_WRONG_VOL_TYPE "Wrong volume type"
#define ERR_SERVER_VOL_LOST "Server volume has been disconnected"
#define ERR_FILE_ID_NOT_FOUND "File ID not found"
#define ERR_FILE_ID_EXISTS "File ID already exists"
#define ERR_SERVER_NO_RESPOND "Server not responding"
#define ERR_USER_AUTH_FAILED "User authentication failed"
#define ERR_PWORD_EXPIRED "Password has expired on server"
#define ERR_ACCESS_DENIED "Access denied"
#define ERR_NOT_A_DOS_DISK "Not a DOS disk"
#define ERR_SHARING_VIOLATION "Sharing violation"
#define ERR_CANNOT_MAKE "Cannot make"
#define ERR_DEV_IN_USE "Device already in use"
#define ERR_OPEN_FAILED "Open failed"
#define ERR_PIPE_BUSY "Pipe is busy"
#define ERR_SHARING_BUF_EXCEEDED "Sharing buffer exceeded"
#define ERR_TOO_MANY_HANDLES "Too many open handles"
#define ERR_SEEK_ERROR "Seek error"
#define ERR_DEL_CWD "Trying to delete current working directory"
#define ERR_WRITE_PROTECT_ERROR "Write protect error"
#define ERR_WRITE_FAULT "Write fault"
#define ERR_LOCK_VIOLATION "Lock violation"
#define ERR_GEN_FAILURE "General failure"
#define ERR_UNCERTAIN_MEDIA "Uncertain media"
#define ERR_PROT_VIOLATION "Protection violation"
#define ERR_BROKEN_PIPE "Broken pipe"
2002-07-29 23:13:12 +02:00
#define ERR_NOT_A_FILE "<22><> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>"
#define ERR_NOT_AN_ARCHIVE "<22><> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>"
#define ERR_ARGV0_IS_NULL "argv0 is NULL"
#define ERR_NOT_MAC_DISK "<22><> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> Macintosh"
#define ERR_NOT_A_DOS_DISK "<22><> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> DOS"
#define DIR_ARCHIVE_DESCRIPTION "No es un archivo, E/S directa al sistema de ficheros"
#define GRP_ARCHIVE_DESCRIPTION "Formato Build engine Groupfile"
#define ZIP_ARCHIVE_DESCRIPTION "Compatible con PkZip/WinZip/Info-Zip"
#define ERR_IS_INITIALIZED "Ya estaba inicializado"
#define ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED "No est<73> inicializado"
#define ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT "Argumento inv<6E>lido"
#define ERR_FILES_STILL_OPEN "Archivos a<>n abiertos"
#define ERR_NO_DIR_CREATE "Fallo al crear los directorios"
#define ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY "Memoria agotada"
#define ERR_NOT_IN_SEARCH_PATH "No existe tal entrada en la ruta de b<>squeda"
#define ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED "Operaci<63>n no soportada"
#define ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ARCHIVE "Tipo de archivo no soportado"
#define ERR_NOT_A_HANDLE "No es un manejador de ficheo (file handle)"
#define ERR_INSECURE_FNAME "Nombre de archivo inseguro"
#define ERR_SYMLINK_DISALLOWED "Los enlaces simb<6D>licos est<73>n desactivados"
#define ERR_NO_WRITE_DIR "No has configurado un directorio de escritura"
#define ERR_NO_SUCH_FILE "Archivo no encontrado"
#define ERR_NO_SUCH_PATH "Ruta no encontrada"
#define ERR_NO_SUCH_VOLUME "Volumen no encontrado"
#define ERR_PAST_EOF "Te pasaste del final del archivo"
#define ERR_ARC_IS_READ_ONLY "El archivo es de s<>lo lectura"
#define ERR_IO_ERROR "Error E/S"
#define ERR_CANT_SET_WRITE_DIR "No puedo configurar el directorio de escritura"
#define ERR_SYMLINK_LOOP "Bucle infnito de enlaces simb<6D>licos"
#define ERR_COMPRESSION "Error de (des)compresi<73>n"
#define ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED "No implementado"
#define ERR_OS_ERROR "El sistema operativo ha devuelto un error"
#define ERR_FILE_EXISTS "El archivo ya existe"
#define ERR_NOT_A_FILE "No es un archivo"
#define ERR_NOT_A_DIR "No es un directorio"
#define ERR_NOT_AN_ARCHIVE "No es un archivo"
#define ERR_CORRUPTED "Archivo corrupto"
#define ERR_SEEK_OUT_OF_RANGE "B<>squeda fuera de rango"
#define ERR_BAD_FILENAME "Nombre de archivo incorrecto"
#define ERR_PHYSFS_BAD_OS_CALL "(BUG) PhysicsFS ha hecho una llamada incorrecta al sistema"
#define ERR_ARGV0_IS_NULL "argv0 es NULL"
#define ERR_ZLIB_NEED_DICT "zlib: necesito diccionario"
#define ERR_ZLIB_DATA_ERROR "zlib: error de datos"
#define ERR_ZLIB_MEMORY_ERROR "zlib: error de memoria"
#define ERR_ZLIB_BUFFER_ERROR "zlib: error de buffer"
#define ERR_ZLIB_VERSION_ERROR "zlib: error de versi<73>n"
#define ERR_ZLIB_UNKNOWN_ERROR "zlib: error desconocido"
#define ERR_SEARCHPATH_TRUNC "La ruta de b<>squeda ha sido truncada"
#define ERR_GETMODFN_TRUNC "GetModuleFileName() ha sido truncado"
#define ERR_GETMODFN_NO_DIR "GetModuleFileName() no tenia directorio"
#define ERR_DISK_FULL "El disco est<73> lleno"
#define ERR_DIRECTORY_FULL "El directorio est<73> lleno"
#define ERR_MACOS_GENERIC "MacOS ha devuelto un error (%d)"
#define ERR_OS2_GENERIC "OS/2 ha devuelto un error (%d)"
#define ERR_VOL_LOCKED_HW "El volumen est<73> bloqueado por el hardware"
#define ERR_VOL_LOCKED_SW "El volumen est<73> bloqueado por el software"
#define ERR_FILE_LOCKED "El archivo est<73> bloqueado"
#define ERR_FILE_OR_DIR_BUSY "Fichero o directorio ocupados"
#define ERR_FILE_ALREADY_OPEN_W "Fichero ya abierto para escritura"
#define ERR_FILE_ALREADY_OPEN_R "Fichero ya abierto para lectura"
#define ERR_INVALID_REFNUM "El n<>mero de referencia no es v<>lido"
#define ERR_GETTING_FILE_POS "Error al tomar la posici<63>n del fichero"
#define ERR_VOLUME_OFFLINE "El volumen est<73> desconectado"
#define ERR_PERMISSION_DENIED "Permiso denegado"
#define ERR_VOL_ALREADY_ONLINE "El volumen ya estaba conectado"
#define ERR_NO_SUCH_DRIVE "No existe tal unidad"
#define ERR_NOT_MAC_DISK "No es un disco Macintosh"
#define ERR_VOL_EXTERNAL_FS "El volumen pertence a un sistema de ficheros externo"
#define ERR_PROBLEM_RENAME "Problemas al renombrar"
#define ERR_BAD_MASTER_BLOCK "Bloque maestro de directorios incorrecto"
#define ERR_CANT_MOVE_FORBIDDEN "Intento de mover forbidden"
#define ERR_WRONG_VOL_TYPE "Tipo de volumen incorrecto"
#define ERR_SERVER_VOL_LOST "El servidor de vol<6F>menes ha sido desconectado"
#define ERR_FILE_ID_NOT_FOUND "Identificador de archivo no encontrado"
#define ERR_FILE_ID_EXISTS "El identificador de archivo ya existe"
#define ERR_SERVER_NO_RESPOND "El servidor no responde"
#define ERR_USER_AUTH_FAILED "Fallo al autentificar el usuario"
#define ERR_PWORD_EXPIRED "La Password en el servidor ha caducado"
#define ERR_ACCESS_DENIED "Acceso denegado"
#define ERR_NOT_A_DOS_DISK "No es un disco de DOS"
#define ERR_SHARING_VIOLATION "Violaci<63>n al compartir"
#define ERR_CANNOT_MAKE "No puedo hacer make"
#define ERR_DEV_IN_USE "El dispositivo ya estaba en uso"
#define ERR_OPEN_FAILED "Fallo al abrir"
#define ERR_PIPE_BUSY "Tuber<65>a ocupada"
#define ERR_SHARING_BUF_EXCEEDED "Buffer de compartici<63>n sobrepasado"
#define ERR_TOO_MANY_HANDLES "Demasiados manejadores (handles)"
#define ERR_SEEK_ERROR "Error de b<>squeda"
#define ERR_DEL_CWD "Intentando borrar el directorio de trabajo actual"
#define ERR_WRITE_PROTECT_ERROR "Error de protecci<63>n contra escritura"
#define ERR_WRITE_FAULT "Fallo al escribir"
#define ERR_LOCK_VIOLATION "Violaci<63>n del bloqueo"
#define ERR_GEN_FAILURE "Fallo general"
#define ERR_UNCERTAIN_MEDIA "Medio incierto"
#define ERR_PROT_VIOLATION "Violaci<63>n de la protecci<63>n"
#define ERR_BROKEN_PIPE "Tuber<65>a rota"
2002-07-30 07:41:02 +02:00
#define DIR_ARCHIVE_DESCRIPTION "Pas d'archive, E/S directes sur syst<73>me de fichiers"
#define GRP_ARCHIVE_DESCRIPTION "Format Groupfile du moteur Build"
#define ZIP_ARCHIVE_DESCRIPTION "Compatible PkZip/WinZip/Info-Zip"
#define ERR_IS_INITIALIZED "D<>j<EFBFBD> initialis<69>"
#define ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED "Non initialis<69>"
#define ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT "Argument invalide"
#define ERR_FILES_STILL_OPEN "Fichiers encore ouverts"
#define ERR_NO_DIR_CREATE "Echec de la cr<63>ation de r<>pertoires"
#define ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY "A court de m<>moire"
#define ERR_NOT_IN_SEARCH_PATH "Aucune entr<74>e dans le chemin de recherche"
#define ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED "Op<4F>ration non support<72>e"
#define ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ARCHIVE "Type d'archive non support<72>e"
#define ERR_NOT_A_HANDLE "Pas un descripteur de fichier"
#define ERR_INSECURE_FNAME "Nom de fichier dangereux"
#define ERR_SYMLINK_DISALLOWED "Les liens symboliques sont d<>sactiv<69>s"
#define ERR_NO_WRITE_DIR "Le r<>pertoire d'<27>criture n'est pas sp<73>cifi<66>"
#define ERR_NO_SUCH_FILE "Fichier non trouv<75>"
#define ERR_NO_SUCH_PATH "Chemin non trouv<75>"
#define ERR_NO_SUCH_VOLUME "Volume non trouv<75>"
#define ERR_PAST_EOF "Au-del<65> de la fin du fichier"
#define ERR_ARC_IS_READ_ONLY "L'archive est en lecture seule"
#define ERR_IO_ERROR "Erreur E/S"
#define ERR_CANT_SET_WRITE_DIR "Ne peut utiliser le r<>pertoire d'<27>criture"
#define ERR_SYMLINK_LOOP "Boucle infinie dans les liens symboliques"
#define ERR_COMPRESSION "Erreur de (d<>)compression"
#define ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED "Non impl<70>ment<6E>"
#define ERR_OS_ERROR "Erreur rapport<72>e par le syst<73>me d'exploitation"
#define ERR_FILE_EXISTS "Le fichier existe d<>j<EFBFBD>"
#define ERR_NOT_A_FILE "Pas un fichier"
#define ERR_NOT_A_DIR "Pas un r<>pertoire"
#define ERR_NOT_AN_ARCHIVE "Pas une archive"
#define ERR_CORRUPTED "Archive corrompue"
#define ERR_SEEK_OUT_OF_RANGE "Pointeur de fichier hors de port<72>e"
#define ERR_BAD_FILENAME "Mauvais nom de fichier"
#define ERR_PHYSFS_BAD_OS_CALL "(BOGUE) PhysicsFS a fait un mauvais appel syst<73>me, le salaud"
#define ERR_ARGV0_IS_NULL "argv0 est NULL"
#define ERR_ZLIB_NEED_DICT "zlib: a besoin du dico"
#define ERR_ZLIB_DATA_ERROR "zlib: erreur de donn<6E>es"
#define ERR_ZLIB_MEMORY_ERROR "zlib: erreur m<>moire"
#define ERR_ZLIB_BUFFER_ERROR "zlib: erreur tampon"
#define ERR_ZLIB_VERSION_ERROR "zlib: erreur de version"
#define ERR_ZLIB_UNKNOWN_ERROR "zlib: erreur inconnue"
#define ERR_SEARCHPATH_TRUNC "Le chemin de recherche a <20>t<EFBFBD> tronqu<71>"
#define ERR_GETMODFN_TRUNC "GetModuleFileName() a <20>t<EFBFBD> tronqu<71>"
#define ERR_GETMODFN_NO_DIR "GetModuleFileName() n'a pas de r<>pertoire"
#define ERR_DISK_FULL "Disque plein"
#define ERR_DIRECTORY_FULL "R<>pertoire plein"
#define ERR_MACOS_GENERIC "Erreur rapport<72>e par MacOS (%d)"
#define ERR_OS2_GENERIC "Erreur rapport<72>e par OS/2 (%d)"
#define ERR_VOL_LOCKED_HW "Le volume est verrouill<6C> mat<61>riellement"
#define ERR_VOL_LOCKED_SW "Le volume est verrouill<6C> par logiciel"
#define ERR_FILE_LOCKED "Fichier verrouill<6C>"
#define ERR_FILE_OR_DIR_BUSY "Fichier/r<EFBFBD>pertoire occup<75>"
#define ERR_FILE_ALREADY_OPEN_W "Fichier d<>j<EFBFBD> ouvert en <20>criture"
#define ERR_FILE_ALREADY_OPEN_R "Fichier d<>j<EFBFBD> ouvert en lecture"
#define ERR_INVALID_REFNUM "Num<75>ro de r<>f<EFBFBD>rence invalide"
#define ERR_GETTING_FILE_POS "Erreur lors de l'obtention de la position du pointeur de fichier"
#define ERR_VOLUME_OFFLINE "Le volume n'est pas en ligne"
#define ERR_PERMISSION_DENIED "Permission refus<75>e"
#define ERR_VOL_ALREADY_ONLINE "Volum<75> d<>j<EFBFBD> en ligne"
#define ERR_NO_SUCH_DRIVE "Lecteur inexistant"
#define ERR_NOT_MAC_DISK "Pas un disque Macintosh"
#define ERR_VOL_EXTERNAL_FS "Le volume appartient <20> un syst<73>me de fichiers externe"
#define ERR_PROBLEM_RENAME "Probl<62>me lors du renommage"
#define ERR_BAD_MASTER_BLOCK "Mauvais block maitre de r<>pertoire"
#define ERR_CANT_MOVE_FORBIDDEN "Essai de d<>placement interdit"
#define ERR_WRONG_VOL_TYPE "Mauvais type de volume"
#define ERR_SERVER_VOL_LOST "Le volume serveur a <20>t<EFBFBD> d<>connect<63>"
#define ERR_FILE_ID_NOT_FOUND "Identificateur de fichier non trouv<75>"
#define ERR_FILE_ID_EXISTS "Identificateur de fichier existe d<>j<EFBFBD>"
#define ERR_SERVER_NO_RESPOND "Le serveur ne r<>pond pas"
#define ERR_USER_AUTH_FAILED "Authentification de l'utilisateur <20>chou<6F>e"
#define ERR_PWORD_EXPIRED "Le mot de passe a expir<69> sur le serveur"
#define ERR_ACCESS_DENIED "Acc<63>s refus<75>"
#define ERR_NOT_A_DOS_DISK "Pas un disque DOS"
#define ERR_SHARING_VIOLATION "Violation de partage"
#define ERR_CANNOT_MAKE "Ne peut faire"
#define ERR_DEV_IN_USE "P<>riph<70>rique d<>j<EFBFBD> en utilisation"
#define ERR_OPEN_FAILED "Ouverture <20>chou<6F>e"
#define ERR_PIPE_BUSY "Le tube est occup<75>"
#define ERR_SHARING_BUF_EXCEEDED "Tampon de partage d<>pass<73>"
#define ERR_TOO_MANY_HANDLES "Trop de descripteurs ouverts"
#define ERR_SEEK_ERROR "Erreur de positionement"
#define ERR_DEL_CWD "Essai de supprimer le r<>pertoire courant"
#define ERR_WRITE_PROTECT_ERROR "Erreur de protection en <20>criture"
#define ERR_WRITE_FAULT "Erreur d'<27>criture"
#define ERR_LOCK_VIOLATION "Violation de verrou"
#define ERR_GEN_FAILURE "Echec g<>n<EFBFBD>ral"
#define ERR_UNCERTAIN_MEDIA "M<>dia incertain"
#define ERR_PROT_VIOLATION "Violation de protection"
#define ERR_BROKEN_PIPE "Tube cass<73>"
#error Please define PHYSFS_LANG.
/* end LANG section. */
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
char *str;
} LinkedStringList;
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
typedef struct __PHYSFS_FILEHANDLE__
* This is reserved for the driver to store information.
void *opaque;
* This should be the DirHandle that created this FileHandle.
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
const struct __PHYSFS_DIRHANDLE__ *dirHandle;
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
* Pointer to the file i/o functions for this filehandle.
const struct __PHYSFS_FILEFUNCTIONS__ *funcs;
} FileHandle;
typedef struct __PHYSFS_FILEFUNCTIONS__
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
* Read more from the file.
* Returns number of objects of (objSize) bytes read from file, -1
* if complete failure.
* On failure, call __PHYSFS_setError().
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
PHYSFS_sint64 (*read)(FileHandle *handle, void *buffer,
PHYSFS_uint32 objSize, PHYSFS_uint32 objCount);
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
* Write more to the file. Archives don't have to implement this.
* (Set it to NULL if not implemented).
* Returns number of objects of (objSize) bytes written to file, -1
* if complete failure.
* On failure, call __PHYSFS_setError().
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
PHYSFS_sint64 (*write)(FileHandle *handle, const void *buffer,
PHYSFS_uint32 objSize, PHYSFS_uint32 objCount);
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
* Returns non-zero if at end of file.
int (*eof)(FileHandle *handle);
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
* Returns byte offset from start of file.
PHYSFS_sint64 (*tell)(FileHandle *handle);
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
* Move read/write pointer to byte offset from start of file.
* Returns non-zero on success, zero on error.
* On failure, call __PHYSFS_setError().
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
int (*seek)(FileHandle *handle, PHYSFS_uint64 offset);
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
2001-07-09 06:15:35 +02:00
* Return number of bytes available in the file, or -1 if you
* aren't able to determine.
* On failure, call __PHYSFS_setError().
PHYSFS_sint64 (*fileLength)(FileHandle *handle);
2001-07-09 06:15:35 +02:00
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
* Close the file, and free the FileHandle structure (including "opaque").
* returns non-zero on success, zero if can't close file.
* On failure, call __PHYSFS_setError().
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
int (*fileClose)(FileHandle *handle);
} FileFunctions;
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
typedef struct __PHYSFS_DIRHANDLE__
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
* This is reserved for the driver to store information.
void *opaque;
* Pointer to the directory i/o functions for this handle.
const struct __PHYSFS_DIRFUNCTIONS__ *funcs;
} DirHandle;
* Symlinks should always be followed; PhysicsFS will use
* DirFunctions->isSymLink() and make a judgement on whether to
* continue to call other methods based on that.
typedef struct __PHYSFS_DIRFUNCTIONS__
2002-07-26 08:19:09 +02:00
const PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo *info;
* Returns non-zero if (filename) is a valid archive that this
* driver can handle. This filename is in platform-dependent
* notation. forWriting is non-zero if this is to be used for
* the write directory, and zero if this is to be used for an
* element of the search path.
int (*isArchive)(const char *filename, int forWriting);
* Return a DirHandle for dir/archive (name).
* This filename is in platform-dependent notation.
* forWriting is non-zero if this is to be used for
* the write directory, and zero if this is to be used for an
* element of the search path.
* Returns NULL on failure, and calls __PHYSFS_setError().
DirHandle *(*openArchive)(const char *name, int forWriting);
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
* Returns a list of all files in dirname. Each element of this list
* (and its "str" field) will be deallocated with the system's free()
* function by the caller, so be sure to explicitly malloc() each
* chunk. Omit symlinks if (omitSymLinks) is non-zero.
* If you have a memory failure, return as much as you can.
* This dirname is in platform-independent notation.
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
LinkedStringList *(*enumerateFiles)(DirHandle *r,
const char *dirname,
int omitSymLinks);
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
* Returns non-zero if filename can be opened for reading.
* This filename is in platform-independent notation.
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
int (*exists)(DirHandle *r, const char *name);
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
* Returns non-zero if filename is really a directory.
* This filename is in platform-independent notation.
* Symlinks should be followed; if what the symlink points
* to is missing, or isn't a directory, then the retval is zero.
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
int (*isDirectory)(DirHandle *r, const char *name);
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
* Returns non-zero if filename is really a symlink.
* This filename is in platform-independent notation.
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
int (*isSymLink)(DirHandle *r, const char *name);
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
* Retrieve the last modification time (mtime) of a file.
* Returns -1 on failure, or the file's mtime in seconds since
* the epoch (Jan 1, 1970) on success.
* This filename is in platform-independent notation.
PHYSFS_sint64 (*getLastModTime)(DirHandle *r, const char *filename);
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
* Open file for reading, and return a FileHandle.
* This filename is in platform-independent notation.
* If you can't handle multiple opens of the same file,
* you can opt to fail for the second call.
* Fail if the file does not exist.
* Returns NULL on failure, and calls __PHYSFS_setError().
FileHandle *(*openRead)(DirHandle *r, const char *filename);
* Open file for writing, and return a FileHandle.
* If the file does not exist, it should be created. If it exists,
* it should be truncated to zero bytes. The writing
* offset should be the start of the file.
* This filename is in platform-independent notation.
* This method may be NULL.
* If you can't handle multiple opens of the same file,
* you can opt to fail for the second call.
* Returns NULL on failure, and calls __PHYSFS_setError().
FileHandle *(*openWrite)(DirHandle *r, const char *filename);
* Open file for appending, and return a FileHandle.
* If the file does not exist, it should be created. The writing
* offset should be the end of the file.
* This filename is in platform-independent notation.
* This method may be NULL.
* If you can't handle multiple opens of the same file,
* you can opt to fail for the second call.
* Returns NULL on failure, and calls __PHYSFS_setError().
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
FileHandle *(*openAppend)(DirHandle *r, const char *filename);
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
* Delete a file in the archive/directory.
* Return non-zero on success, zero on failure.
* This filename is in platform-independent notation.
* This method may be NULL.
* On failure, call __PHYSFS_setError().
int (*remove)(DirHandle *r, const char *filename);
* Create a directory in the archive/directory.
* If the application is trying to make multiple dirs, PhysicsFS
* will split them up into multiple calls before passing them to
* your driver.
* Return non-zero on success, zero on failure.
* This filename is in platform-independent notation.
* This method may be NULL.
* On failure, call __PHYSFS_setError().
int (*mkdir)(DirHandle *r, const char *filename);
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
* Close directories/archives, and free the handle, including
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
* the "opaque" entry. This should assume that it won't be called if
* there are still files open from this DirHandle.
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
void (*dirClose)(DirHandle *r);
} DirFunctions;
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
* Call this to set the message returned by PHYSFS_getLastError().
* Please only use the ERR_* constants above, or add new constants to the
* above group, but I want these all in one place.
* Calling this with a NULL argument is a safe no-op.
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
void __PHYSFS_setError(const char *err);
* Convert (dirName) to platform-dependent notation, then prepend (prepend)
* and append (append) to the converted string.
* So, on Win32, calling:
* __PHYSFS_convertToDependent("C:\", "my/files", NULL);
* ...will return the string "C:\my\files".
* This is a convenience function; you might want to hack something out that
* is less generic (and therefore more efficient).
* Be sure to free() the return value when done with it.
char *__PHYSFS_convertToDependent(const char *prepend,
const char *dirName,
const char *append);
* Verify that (fname) (in platform-independent notation), in relation
* to (h) is secure. That means that each element of fname is checked
* for symlinks (if they aren't permitted). Also, elements such as
* ".", "..", or ":" are flagged.
* Returns non-zero if string is safe, zero if there's a security issue.
* PHYSFS_getLastError() will specify what was wrong.
int __PHYSFS_verifySecurity(DirHandle *h, const char *fname);
* Use this to build the list that your enumerate function should return.
* See zip.c for an example of proper use.
LinkedStringList *__PHYSFS_addToLinkedStringList(LinkedStringList *retval,
LinkedStringList **prev,
const char *str,
PHYSFS_sint32 len);
/* These get used all over for lessening code clutter. */
#define BAIL_MACRO(e, r) { __PHYSFS_setError(e); return r; }
#define BAIL_IF_MACRO(c, e, r) if (c) { __PHYSFS_setError(e); return r; }
2002-03-30 17:44:09 +01:00
#define BAIL_MACRO_MUTEX(e, m, r) { __PHYSFS_setError(e); __PHYSFS_platformReleaseMutex(m); return r; }
#define BAIL_IF_MACRO_MUTEX(c, e, m, r) if (c) { __PHYSFS_setError(e); __PHYSFS_platformReleaseMutex(m); return r; }
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
/*------------ ----------------*/
/*------------ You MUST implement the following functions ----------------*/
/*------------ if porting to a new platform. ----------------*/
/*------------ (see platform/unix.c for an example) ----------------*/
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
/*------------ ----------------*/
* The dir separator; "/" on unix, "\\" on win32, ":" on MacOS, etc...
* Obviously, this isn't a function, but it IS a null-terminated string.
extern const char *__PHYSFS_platformDirSeparator;
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
* Initialize the platform. This is called when PHYSFS_init() is called from
* the application. You can use this to (for example) determine what version
* of Windows you're running.
* Return zero if there was a catastrophic failure (which prevents you from
* functioning at all), and non-zero otherwise.
int __PHYSFS_platformInit(void);
* Deinitialize the platform. This is called when PHYSFS_deinit() is called
* from the application. You can use this to clean up anything you've
* allocated in your platform driver.
* Return zero if there was a catastrophic failure (which prevents you from
* functioning at all), and non-zero otherwise.
int __PHYSFS_platformDeinit(void);
* Open a file for reading. (filename) is in platform-dependent notation. The
* file pointer should be positioned on the first byte of the file.
* The return value will be some platform-specific datatype that is opaque to
* the caller; it could be a (FILE *) under Unix, or a (HANDLE *) under win32.
* The same file can be opened for read multiple times, and each should have
* a unique file handle; this is frequently employed to prevent race
* conditions in the archivers.
* Call __PHYSFS_setError() and return (NULL) if the file can't be opened.
void *__PHYSFS_platformOpenRead(const char *filename);
* Open a file for writing. (filename) is in platform-dependent notation. If
* the file exists, it should be truncated to zero bytes, and if it doesn't
* exist, it should be created as a zero-byte file. The file pointer should
* be positioned on the first byte of the file.
* The return value will be some platform-specific datatype that is opaque to
* the caller; it could be a (FILE *) under Unix, or a (HANDLE *) under win32,
* etc.
* Opening a file for write multiple times has undefined results.
* Call __PHYSFS_setError() and return (NULL) if the file can't be opened.
void *__PHYSFS_platformOpenWrite(const char *filename);
* Open a file for appending. (filename) is in platform-dependent notation. If
* the file exists, the file pointer should be place just past the end of the
* file, so that the first write will be one byte after the current end of
* the file. If the file doesn't exist, it should be created as a zero-byte
* file. The file pointer should be positioned on the first byte of the file.
* The return value will be some platform-specific datatype that is opaque to
* the caller; it could be a (FILE *) under Unix, or a (HANDLE *) under win32,
* etc.
* Opening a file for append multiple times has undefined results.
* Call __PHYSFS_setError() and return (NULL) if the file can't be opened.
void *__PHYSFS_platformOpenAppend(const char *filename);
* Read more data from a platform-specific file handle. (opaque) should be
* cast to whatever data type your platform uses. Read a maximum of (count)
* objects of (size) 8-bit bytes to the area pointed to by (buffer). If there
* isn't enough data available, return the number of full objects read, and
* position the file pointer at the start of the first incomplete object.
* On success, return (count) and position the file pointer one byte past
* the end of the last read object. Return (-1) if there is a catastrophic
* error, and call __PHYSFS_setError() to describe the problem; the file
* pointer should not move in such a case.
PHYSFS_sint64 __PHYSFS_platformRead(void *opaque, void *buffer,
PHYSFS_uint32 size, PHYSFS_uint32 count);
* Write more data to a platform-specific file handle. (opaque) should be
* cast to whatever data type your platform uses. Write a maximum of (count)
* objects of (size) 8-bit bytes from the area pointed to by (buffer). If
* there isn't enough data available, return the number of full objects
* written, and position the file pointer at the start of the first
* incomplete object. Return (-1) if there is a catastrophic error, and call
* __PHYSFS_setError() to describe the problem; the file pointer should not
* move in such a case.
2002-03-25 05:05:52 +01:00
PHYSFS_sint64 __PHYSFS_platformWrite(void *opaque, const void *buffer,
PHYSFS_uint32 size, PHYSFS_uint32 count);
* Set the file pointer to a new position. (opaque) should be cast to
* whatever data type your platform uses. (pos) specifies the number
* of 8-bit bytes to seek to from the start of the file. Seeking past the
* end of the file is an error condition, and you should check for it.
* Not all file types can seek; this is to be expected by the caller.
* On error, call __PHYSFS_setError() and return zero. On success, return
* a non-zero value.
int __PHYSFS_platformSeek(void *opaque, PHYSFS_uint64 pos);
* Get the file pointer's position, in an 8-bit byte offset from the start of
* the file. (opaque) should be cast to whatever data type your platform
* uses.
* Not all file types can "tell"; this is to be expected by the caller.
* On error, call __PHYSFS_setError() and return zero. On success, return
* a non-zero value.
PHYSFS_sint64 __PHYSFS_platformTell(void *opaque);
* Determine the current size of a file, in 8-bit bytes, from an open file.
* The caller expects that this information may not be available for all
* file types on all platforms.
* Return -1 if you can't do it, and call __PHYSFS_setError(). Otherwise,
* return the file length in 8-bit bytes.
PHYSFS_sint64 __PHYSFS_platformFileLength(void *handle);
* Determine if a file is at EOF. (opaque) should be cast to whatever data
* type your platform uses.
* The caller expects that there was a short read before calling this.
* Return non-zero if EOF, zero if it is _not_ EOF.
int __PHYSFS_platformEOF(void *opaque);
* Flush any pending writes to disk. (opaque) should be cast to whatever data
* type your platform uses. Be sure to check for errors; the caller expects
* that this function can fail if there was a flushing error, etc.
* Return zero on failure, non-zero on success.
int __PHYSFS_platformFlush(void *opaque);
* Flush and close a file. (opaque) should be cast to whatever data type
* your platform uses. Be sure to check for errors when closing; the
* caller expects that this function can fail if there was a flushing
* error, etc.
* You should clean up all resources associated with (opaque).
* Return zero on failure, non-zero on success.
int __PHYSFS_platformClose(void *opaque);
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
* Platform implementation of PHYSFS_getCdRomDirs()...
* See physfs.h. The retval should be freeable via PHYSFS_freeList().
char **__PHYSFS_platformDetectAvailableCDs(void);
* Calculate the base dir, if your platform needs special consideration.
* Just return NULL if the standard routines will suffice. (see
* calculateBaseDir() in physfs.c ...)
* Caller will free() the retval if it's not NULL.
char *__PHYSFS_platformCalcBaseDir(const char *argv0);
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
* Get the platform-specific user name.
* Caller will free() the retval if it's not NULL. If it's NULL, the username
* will default to "default".
char *__PHYSFS_platformGetUserName(void);
* Get the platform-specific user dir.
* Caller will free() the retval if it's not NULL. If it's NULL, the userdir
* will default to basedir/username.
char *__PHYSFS_platformGetUserDir(void);
* Return a number that uniquely identifies the current thread.
* On a platform without threading, (1) will suffice. These numbers are
* arbitrary; the only requirement is that no two threads have the same
* number.
PHYSFS_uint64 __PHYSFS_platformGetThreadID(void);
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
* This is a pass-through to whatever stricmp() is called on your platform.
int __PHYSFS_platformStricmp(const char *str1, const char *str2);
* Return non-zero if filename (in platform-dependent notation) exists.
* Symlinks should be followed; if what the symlink points to is missing,
* then the retval is false.
int __PHYSFS_platformExists(const char *fname);
* Return the last modified time (in seconds since the epoch) of a file.
* Returns -1 on failure. (fname) is in platform-dependent notation.
* Symlinks should be followed; if what the symlink points to is missing,
* then the retval is -1.
PHYSFS_sint64 __PHYSFS_platformGetLastModTime(const char *fname);
* Return non-zero if filename (in platform-dependent notation) is a symlink.
int __PHYSFS_platformIsSymLink(const char *fname);
* Return non-zero if filename (in platform-dependent notation) is a symlink.
* Symlinks should be followed; if what the symlink points to is missing,
* or isn't a directory, then the retval is false.
int __PHYSFS_platformIsDirectory(const char *fname);
* Convert (dirName) to platform-dependent notation, then prepend (prepend)
* and append (append) to the converted string.
* So, on Win32, calling:
* __PHYSFS_platformCvtToDependent("C:\", "my/files", NULL);
* ...will return the string "C:\my\files".
* This can be implemented in a platform-specific manner, so you can get
* get a speed boost that the default implementation can't, since
* you can make assumptions about the size of strings, etc..
* Platforms that choose not to implement this may just call
* __PHYSFS_convertToDependent() as a passthrough, which may fit the bill
* already.
* Be sure to free() the return value when done with it.
char *__PHYSFS_platformCvtToDependent(const char *prepend,
const char *dirName,
const char *append);
* Make the current thread give up a timeslice. This is called in a loop
* while waiting for various external forces to get back to us.
void __PHYSFS_platformTimeslice(void);
* Enumerate a directory of files. This follows the rules for the
* DirFunctions->enumerateFiles() method (see above), except that the
* (dirName) that is passed to this function is converted to
* platform-DEPENDENT notation by the caller. The DirFunctions version
* uses platform-independent notation. Note that ".", "..", and other
* metaentries should always be ignored.
LinkedStringList *__PHYSFS_platformEnumerateFiles(const char *dirname,
int omitSymLinks);
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
* Get the current working directory. The return value should be an
* absolute path in platform-dependent notation. The caller will deallocate
* the return value with the standard C runtime free() function when it
* is done with it.
* On error, return NULL and set the error message.
char *__PHYSFS_platformCurrentDir(void);
* Get the real physical path to a file. (path) is specified in
* platform-dependent notation, as should your return value be.
* All relative paths should be removed, leaving you with an absolute
* path. Symlinks should be resolved, too, so that the returned value is
* the most direct path to a file.
* The return value will be deallocated with the standard C runtime free()
* function when the caller is done with it.
* On error, return NULL and set the error message.
char *__PHYSFS_platformRealPath(const char *path);
* Make a directory in the actual filesystem. (path) is specified in
* platform-dependent notation. On error, return zero and set the error
* message. Return non-zero on success.
int __PHYSFS_platformMkDir(const char *path);
* Remove a file or directory entry in the actual filesystem. (path) is
* specified in platform-dependent notation. Note that this deletes files
* _and_ directories, so you might need to do some determination.
* Non-empty directories should report an error and not delete themselves
* or their contents.
* Deleting a symlink should remove the link, not what it points to.
* On error, return zero and set the error message. Return non-zero on success.
int __PHYSFS_platformDelete(const char *path);
2002-03-30 17:44:09 +01:00
* Create a platform-specific mutex. This can be whatever datatype your
* platform uses for mutexes, but it is cast to a (void *) for abstractness.
* Return (NULL) if you couldn't create one. Systems without threads can
* return any arbitrary non-NULL value.
void *__PHYSFS_platformCreateMutex(void);
* Destroy a platform-specific mutex, and clean up any resources associated
* with it. (mutex) is a value previously returned by
* __PHYSFS_platformCreateMutex(). This can be a no-op on single-threaded
* platforms.
void __PHYSFS_platformDestroyMutex(void *mutex);
* Grab possession of a platform-specific mutex. Mutexes should be recursive;
* that is, the same thread should be able to call this function multiple
* times in a row without causing a deadlock. This function should block
* until a thread can gain possession of the mutex.
* Return non-zero if the mutex was grabbed, zero if there was an
* unrecoverable problem grabbing it (this should not be a matter of
* timing out! We're talking major system errors; block until the mutex
* is available otherwise.)
* _DO NOT_ call __PHYSFS_setError() in here! Since setError calls this
* function, you'll cause an infinite recursion. This means you can't
* use the BAIL_*MACRO* macros, either.
2002-03-30 17:44:09 +01:00
int __PHYSFS_platformGrabMutex(void *mutex);
* Relinquish possession of the mutex when this method has been called
* once for each time that platformGrabMutex was called. Once possession has
* been released, the next thread in line to grab the mutex (if any) may
* proceed.
* _DO NOT_ call __PHYSFS_setError() in here! Since setError calls this
* function, you'll cause an infinite recursion. This means you can't
* use the BAIL_*MACRO* macros, either.
2002-03-30 17:44:09 +01:00
void __PHYSFS_platformReleaseMutex(void *mutex);
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
#ifdef __cplusplus
2001-07-06 04:32:29 +02:00
/* end of physfs_internal.h ... */