Some code cleanup.

This commit is contained in:
onpon4 2015-04-07 16:09:17 -04:00
parent fe96584d7f
commit 4775b3fad4
6 changed files with 645 additions and 639 deletions

View File

@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ one attempt per call (one call per frame) to find a suitable target. If the targ
it picks is dead or outside the screen range, then it returns NULL. A suitable
target will be returned as the object address.
static object *bullet_getTarget(object *bullet)
object *bullet_getTarget(object *bullet)
int i;
@ -180,313 +180,3 @@ static object *bullet_getTarget(object *bullet)
return &aliens[i];
char checkPlayerShockDamage(float x, float y)
// Don't let the player be hurt by an explosion after they have completed
// all the mission objectives. That would be *really* annoying!
if ((engine.cheatShield) || (engine.missionCompleteTimer != 0))
return 0;
float distX = fabsf(x - player.x);
float distY = fabsf(y - player.y);
if ((distX <= 50) && (distY <= 50))
if (distX >= 1)
distX /= 5;
if (distY >= 1)
distY /= 5;
player.shield -= (int)(10 - distX);
player.shield -= (int)(10 - distY);
LIMIT(player.shield, 0, player.maxShield);
player.hit = 10;
return 1;
return 0;
This handles active bullets in a linked list. The current bullet and
previous bullet pointers are first assigned to the main header bullet
and each successive bullet is pulled out. Bullets are moved in their
delta coordinates, with rockets having fire trails added to them. Seperate
collision checks are done for a bullet that belongs to the enemy and one
that belongs to a player. However rockets can hit anyone. Upon an enemy
being killed, mission requirements are checked and collectables are randomly
void doBullets()
object *bullet = engine.bulletHead;
object *prevBullet = engine.bulletHead;
engine.bulletTail = engine.bulletHead;
object *alien, *theCargo;
bool okayToHit = false;
int old_shield;
float homingMissileSpeed = 0;
while (bullet->next != NULL)
bullet = bullet->next;
if (bullet->active)
if (bullet->flags & WF_HOMING)
if (bullet->target == NULL)
bullet->target = bullet_getTarget(bullet);
if (bullet->owner->flags & FL_FRIEND)
homingMissileSpeed = 0.25;
homingMissileSpeed = 0.05;
if (bullet->id == WT_ROCKET)
addExplosion(bullet->x, bullet->y, E_SMALL_EXPLOSION);
else if (bullet->id == WT_MICROROCKET)
addExplosion(bullet->x, bullet->y, E_TINY_EXPLOSION);
if ((bullet->flags & WF_AIMED))
blit(bullet->image[0], (int)(bullet->x - bullet->dx),
(int)(bullet->y - bullet->dy));
if (bullet->id == WT_CHARGER)
for (int i = 0 ; i < bullet->damage * 2 ; i++)
(int)(bullet->x - RANDRANGE(-(bullet->damage * 2 / 3), 0)),
(int)(bullet->y + RANDRANGE(-3, 3)));
blit(bullet->image[0], (int)bullet->x, (int)bullet->y);
bullet->x += bullet->dx;
bullet->y += bullet->dy;
if (bullet->target != NULL)
if (bullet->x < bullet->target->x)
LIMIT_ADD(bullet->dx, homingMissileSpeed, -15, 15);
else if (bullet->x > bullet->target->x)
LIMIT_ADD(bullet->dx, -homingMissileSpeed, -15, 15);
//Rocket is (more or less) inline with target. Fly straight
if ((bullet->x > bullet->target->x - 1) && (bullet->x < bullet->target->x + 5))
bullet->dx = 0;
if (bullet->y < bullet->target->y)
LIMIT_ADD(bullet->dy, homingMissileSpeed, -15, 15);
else if (bullet->y > bullet->target->y)
LIMIT_ADD(bullet->dy, -homingMissileSpeed, -15, 15);
//Rocket is (more or less) inline with target. Fly straight
if ((bullet->y > bullet->target->y - 1) && (bullet->y < bullet->target->y + 5))
bullet->dy = 0;
if ((bullet->target->shield < 1) || (bullet->target->flags & FL_ISCLOAKED))
bullet->target = NULL;
bullet->x += engine.ssx + engine.smx;
bullet->y += engine.ssy + engine.smy;
for (int i = 0 ; i < ALIEN_MAX ; i++)
alien = &aliens[i];
if ((alien->shield < 1) || (!alien->active))
okayToHit = false;
if ((bullet->flags & WF_FRIEND) && (alien->flags & FL_WEAPCO))
okayToHit = true;
if ((bullet->flags & WF_WEAPCO) && (alien->flags & FL_FRIEND))
okayToHit = true;
if ((bullet->id == WT_ROCKET) || (bullet->id == WT_LASER) ||
(bullet->id == WT_CHARGER))
okayToHit = true;
if (bullet->owner == alien->owner)
okayToHit = false;
if (okayToHit)
if ((bullet->active) && (collision(bullet, alien)))
old_shield = alien->shield;
if (bullet->owner == &player)
if ((alien->classDef == CD_PHOEBE) ||
(alien->classDef == CD_URSULA))
if (!(alien->flags & FL_IMMORTAL))
alien_hurt(alien, bullet->owner, bullet->damage,
(bullet->flags & WF_DISABLE));
alien->hit = 5;
if (bullet->id == WT_CHARGER)
bullet->damage -= old_shield;
if (bullet->damage <= 0)
bullet->active = false;
bullet->shield = 0;
audio_playSound(SFX_EXPLOSION, bullet->x);
for (int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++)
addExplosion(bullet->x + RANDRANGE(-35, 35),
bullet->y + RANDRANGE(-35, 35),
bullet->active = false;
bullet->shield = 0;
if (bullet->id == WT_ROCKET)
addExplosion(bullet->x, bullet->y, E_BIG_EXPLOSION);
addExplosion(bullet->x, bullet->y, E_SMALL_EXPLOSION);
// Check for bullets hitting player
if ((bullet->flags & WF_WEAPCO) || (bullet->id == WT_ROCKET) ||
(bullet->id == WT_LASER) || (bullet->id == WT_CHARGER))
if (bullet->active && (player.shield > 0) &&
(bullet->owner != &player) && collision(bullet, &player))
old_shield = player.shield;
if ((!engine.cheatShield) || (engine.missionCompleteTimer != 0))
if ((player.shield > engine.lowShield) &&
(player.shield - bullet->damage <= engine.lowShield))
setInfoLine("!!! WARNING: SHIELD LOW !!!", FONT_RED);
player.shield -= bullet->damage;
LIMIT(player.shield, 0, player.maxShield);
player.hit = 5;
if ((bullet->owner->classDef == CD_PHOEBE) ||
(bullet->owner->classDef == CD_URSULA))
if (bullet->id == WT_CHARGER)
bullet->damage -= old_shield;
if (bullet->damage <= 0)
bullet->active = false;
bullet->shield = 0;
audio_playSound(SFX_EXPLOSION, bullet->x);
for (int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++)
addExplosion(bullet->x + RANDRANGE(-35, 35),
bullet->y + RANDRANGE(-35, 35), E_BIG_EXPLOSION);
bullet->active = false;
bullet->shield = 0;
audio_playSound(SFX_HIT, player.x);
if (bullet->id == WT_ROCKET)
addExplosion(bullet->x, bullet->y, E_BIG_EXPLOSION);
addExplosion(bullet->x, bullet->y, E_SMALL_EXPLOSION);
if ((currentGame.difficulty != DIFFICULTY_EASY) &&
((bullet->owner == &player) || (bullet->id == WT_ROCKET)))
for (int j = 0 ; j < 20 ; j++)
theCargo = &cargo[j];
if (theCargo->active)
if (collision(bullet, theCargo))
bullet->active = false;
addExplosion(bullet->x, bullet->y, E_SMALL_EXPLOSION);
audio_playSound(SFX_HIT, theCargo->x);
if (theCargo->collectType != P_PHOEBE)
theCargo->active = false;
audio_playSound(SFX_EXPLOSION, theCargo->x);
for (int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++)
addExplosion(theCargo->x + RANDRANGE(-15, 15),
theCargo->y + RANDRANGE(-15, 15),
P_CARGO, 1);
// check to see if a bullet (on any side) hits a mine
if (bullet->shield < 1)
if (bullet->flags & WF_TIMEDEXPLOSION)
audio_playSound(SFX_EXPLOSION, bullet->x);
for (int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++)
addExplosion(bullet->x + RANDRANGE(-35, 35),
bullet->y + RANDRANGE(-35, 35), E_BIG_EXPLOSION);
if (checkPlayerShockDamage(bullet->x, bullet->y))
setInfoLine("Warning: Missile Shockwave Damage!!",
bullet->active = false;
if (bullet->active)
prevBullet = bullet;
engine.bulletTail = bullet;
prevBullet->next = bullet->next;
delete bullet;
bullet = prevBullet;

View File

@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
#define BULLETS_H
void bullet_add(object *theWeapon, object *attacker, int y, int dy);
extern char checkPlayerShockDamage(float x, float y);
extern void doBullets();
object *bullet_getTarget(object *bullet);

View File

@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ static void explodeMine(collectables *collectable)
addExplosion(collectable->x + rand() % 25 - rand() % 25,
collectable->y + rand() % 25 - rand() % 25, E_BIG_EXPLOSION);
if (checkPlayerShockDamage(collectable->x, collectable->y))
if (player_checkShockDamage(collectable->x, collectable->y))
setInfoLine("Warning: Mine damage to shield!!", FONT_RED);

View File

@ -129,17 +129,624 @@ void newGame()
int mainGameLoop()
This handles active bullets in a linked list. The current bullet and
previous bullet pointers are first assigned to the main header bullet
and each successive bullet is pulled out. Bullets are moved in their
delta coordinates, with rockets having fire trails added to them. Seperate
collision checks are done for a bullet that belongs to the enemy and one
that belongs to a player. However rockets can hit anyone. Upon an enemy
being killed, mission requirements are checked and collectables are randomly
static void game_doBullets()
object *bullet = engine.bulletHead;
object *prevBullet = engine.bulletHead;
engine.bulletTail = engine.bulletHead;
object *alien, *theCargo;
bool okayToHit = false;
int old_shield;
float homingMissileSpeed = 0;
while (bullet->next != NULL)
bullet = bullet->next;
if (bullet->active)
if (bullet->flags & WF_HOMING)
if (bullet->target == NULL)
bullet->target = bullet_getTarget(bullet);
if (bullet->owner->flags & FL_FRIEND)
homingMissileSpeed = 0.25;
homingMissileSpeed = 0.05;
if (bullet->id == WT_ROCKET)
addExplosion(bullet->x, bullet->y, E_SMALL_EXPLOSION);
else if (bullet->id == WT_MICROROCKET)
addExplosion(bullet->x, bullet->y, E_TINY_EXPLOSION);
if ((bullet->flags & WF_AIMED))
blit(bullet->image[0], (int)(bullet->x - bullet->dx),
(int)(bullet->y - bullet->dy));
if (bullet->id == WT_CHARGER)
for (int i = 0 ; i < bullet->damage * 2 ; i++)
(int)(bullet->x - RANDRANGE(-(bullet->damage * 2 / 3), 0)),
(int)(bullet->y + RANDRANGE(-3, 3)));
blit(bullet->image[0], (int)bullet->x, (int)bullet->y);
bullet->x += bullet->dx;
bullet->y += bullet->dy;
if (bullet->target != NULL)
if (bullet->x < bullet->target->x)
LIMIT_ADD(bullet->dx, homingMissileSpeed, -15, 15);
else if (bullet->x > bullet->target->x)
LIMIT_ADD(bullet->dx, -homingMissileSpeed, -15, 15);
//Rocket is (more or less) inline with target. Fly straight
if ((bullet->x > bullet->target->x - 1) && (bullet->x < bullet->target->x + 5))
bullet->dx = 0;
if (bullet->y < bullet->target->y)
LIMIT_ADD(bullet->dy, homingMissileSpeed, -15, 15);
else if (bullet->y > bullet->target->y)
LIMIT_ADD(bullet->dy, -homingMissileSpeed, -15, 15);
//Rocket is (more or less) inline with target. Fly straight
if ((bullet->y > bullet->target->y - 1) && (bullet->y < bullet->target->y + 5))
bullet->dy = 0;
if ((bullet->target->shield < 1) || (bullet->target->flags & FL_ISCLOAKED))
bullet->target = NULL;
bullet->x += engine.ssx + engine.smx;
bullet->y += engine.ssy + engine.smy;
for (int i = 0 ; i < ALIEN_MAX ; i++)
alien = &aliens[i];
if ((alien->shield < 1) || (!alien->active))
okayToHit = false;
if ((bullet->flags & WF_FRIEND) && (alien->flags & FL_WEAPCO))
okayToHit = true;
if ((bullet->flags & WF_WEAPCO) && (alien->flags & FL_FRIEND))
okayToHit = true;
if ((bullet->id == WT_ROCKET) || (bullet->id == WT_LASER) ||
(bullet->id == WT_CHARGER))
okayToHit = true;
if (bullet->owner == alien->owner)
okayToHit = false;
if (okayToHit)
if ((bullet->active) && (collision(bullet, alien)))
old_shield = alien->shield;
if (bullet->owner == &player)
if ((alien->classDef == CD_PHOEBE) ||
(alien->classDef == CD_URSULA))
if (!(alien->flags & FL_IMMORTAL))
alien_hurt(alien, bullet->owner, bullet->damage,
(bullet->flags & WF_DISABLE));
alien->hit = 5;
if (bullet->id == WT_CHARGER)
bullet->damage -= old_shield;
if (bullet->damage <= 0)
bullet->active = false;
bullet->shield = 0;
audio_playSound(SFX_EXPLOSION, bullet->x);
for (int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++)
addExplosion(bullet->x + RANDRANGE(-35, 35),
bullet->y + RANDRANGE(-35, 35),
bullet->active = false;
bullet->shield = 0;
if (bullet->id == WT_ROCKET)
addExplosion(bullet->x, bullet->y, E_BIG_EXPLOSION);
addExplosion(bullet->x, bullet->y, E_SMALL_EXPLOSION);
// Check for bullets hitting player
if ((bullet->flags & WF_WEAPCO) || (bullet->id == WT_ROCKET) ||
(bullet->id == WT_LASER) || (bullet->id == WT_CHARGER))
if (bullet->active && (player.shield > 0) &&
(bullet->owner != &player) && collision(bullet, &player))
old_shield = player.shield;
if ((!engine.cheatShield) || (engine.missionCompleteTimer != 0))
if ((player.shield > engine.lowShield) &&
(player.shield - bullet->damage <= engine.lowShield))
setInfoLine("!!! WARNING: SHIELD LOW !!!", FONT_RED);
player.shield -= bullet->damage;
LIMIT(player.shield, 0, player.maxShield);
player.hit = 5;
if ((bullet->owner->classDef == CD_PHOEBE) ||
(bullet->owner->classDef == CD_URSULA))
if (bullet->id == WT_CHARGER)
bullet->damage -= old_shield;
if (bullet->damage <= 0)
bullet->active = false;
bullet->shield = 0;
audio_playSound(SFX_EXPLOSION, bullet->x);
for (int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++)
addExplosion(bullet->x + RANDRANGE(-35, 35),
bullet->y + RANDRANGE(-35, 35), E_BIG_EXPLOSION);
bullet->active = false;
bullet->shield = 0;
audio_playSound(SFX_HIT, player.x);
if (bullet->id == WT_ROCKET)
addExplosion(bullet->x, bullet->y, E_BIG_EXPLOSION);
addExplosion(bullet->x, bullet->y, E_SMALL_EXPLOSION);
if ((currentGame.difficulty != DIFFICULTY_EASY) &&
((bullet->owner == &player) || (bullet->id == WT_ROCKET)))
for (int j = 0 ; j < 20 ; j++)
theCargo = &cargo[j];
if (theCargo->active)
if (collision(bullet, theCargo))
bullet->active = false;
addExplosion(bullet->x, bullet->y, E_SMALL_EXPLOSION);
audio_playSound(SFX_HIT, theCargo->x);
if (theCargo->collectType != P_PHOEBE)
theCargo->active = false;
audio_playSound(SFX_EXPLOSION, theCargo->x);
for (int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++)
addExplosion(theCargo->x + RANDRANGE(-15, 15),
theCargo->y + RANDRANGE(-15, 15),
P_CARGO, 1);
// check to see if a bullet (on any side) hits a mine
if (bullet->shield < 1)
if (bullet->flags & WF_TIMEDEXPLOSION)
audio_playSound(SFX_EXPLOSION, bullet->x);
for (int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++)
addExplosion(bullet->x + RANDRANGE(-35, 35),
bullet->y + RANDRANGE(-35, 35), E_BIG_EXPLOSION);
if (player_checkShockDamage (bullet->x, bullet->y))
setInfoLine("Warning: Missile Shockwave Damage!!",
bullet->active = false;
if (bullet->active)
prevBullet = bullet;
engine.bulletTail = bullet;
prevBullet->next = bullet->next;
delete bullet;
bullet = prevBullet;
static void game_doAliens()
static float barrierLoop = 0;
bool canFire;
int shapeToUse;
bool canFire;
int n;
barrierLoop += 0.2;
// A global variable for checking if all the aliens are dead
engine.allAliensDead = 1;
for (int i = 0 ; i < ALIEN_MAX ; i++)
if (aliens[i].active)
if (aliens[i].shield > 0)
if ((aliens[i].flags & FL_WEAPCO) && (!(aliens[i].flags & FL_DISABLED)))
engine.allAliensDead = 0;
// Set part attributes
if (aliens[i].owner != &aliens[i])
aliens[i].face = aliens[i].owner->face;
if (aliens[i].face == 0)
aliens[i].x = aliens[i].owner->x - aliens[i].dx;
aliens[i].x = aliens[i].owner->x + aliens[i].owner->image[0]->w + aliens[i].dx - aliens[i].image[0]->w;
aliens[i].y = (aliens[i].owner->y + aliens[i].dy);
if (aliens[i].owner->shield < 1)
if ((aliens[i].classDef != CD_URANUSBOSSWING1) &&
(aliens[i].classDef != CD_URANUSBOSSWING2))
aliens[i].shield = 0;
aliens[i].flags &= ~FL_IMMORTAL;
aliens[i].owner = &aliens[i];
aliens[i].chance[0] = 25;
canFire = true; // The alien is allowed to fire
LIMIT_ADD(aliens[i].thinktime, -1, 0, 250);
if (aliens[i].target->shield < 1)
aliens[i].target = &aliens[i];
// Specific to Sid to stop him pissing about(!)
if ((aliens[i].classDef == CD_SID) &&
(aliens[i].target->flags & FL_DISABLED))
aliens[i].target = &aliens[i];
if (aliens[i].target == &aliens[i])
if (engine.missionCompleteTimer == 0)
if (aliens[i].flags & FL_FRIEND)
aliens[i].target = &player;
aliens[i].thinktime = 1;
if ((!(aliens[i].flags & FL_DISABLED)) &&
(aliens[i].thinktime == 0) && (aliens[i].target != &aliens[i]) &&
(aliens[i].owner == &aliens[i]))
if (aliens[i].classDef == CD_KLINE)
aliens[i].thinktime = (rand() % 25) * 10;
// Face direction of movement unless you always face
// your target(!)
if (!(aliens[i].flags & FL_ALWAYSFACE))
aliens[i].face = (aliens[i].dx > 0);
LIMIT(aliens[i].dx, -aliens[i].speed, aliens[i].speed);
LIMIT(aliens[i].dy, -aliens[i].speed, aliens[i].speed);
if (aliens[i].flags & FL_ALWAYSFACE)
aliens[i].face = 0;
if (aliens[i].x > aliens[i].target->x) aliens[i].face = 1;
if ((currentGame.area == MISN_ELLESH) &&
(aliens[i].classDef == CD_BOSS))
aliens[i].face = 0;
if ((aliens[i].flags & FL_DEPLOYDRONES) && ((rand() % 300) == 0))
if (aliens[i].flags & FL_LEAVESECTOR)
// Note: The original version of this line incorrectly
// specified -15 as the *maximum* instead of the
// *minimum*, which at the time was equivalent to
// ``aliens[i].dx = -15``.
LIMIT_ADD(aliens[i].dx, -0.5, -15, 0);
aliens[i].dy = 0;
aliens[i].thinktime = 999;
aliens[i].face = 0;
if (aliens[i].x >= 5000)
aliens[i].flags -= FL_LEAVESECTOR;
aliens[i].flags += FL_ESCAPED;
aliens[i].active = false;
if (aliens[i].classDef == CD_CLOAKFIGHTER)
currentGame.experimentalShield = aliens[i].shield;
setInfoLine("Experimental Fighter has fled",
aliens[i].shield = 0;
aliens[i].classDef, 1);
if (aliens[i].classDef != CD_CLOAKFIGHTER)
aliens[i].classDef, 1);
// This deals with the Experimental Fighter in Mordor
// (and Kline on the final mission)
// It can cloak and uncloak at random. When cloaked,
// its sprite is not displayed. However the engine
// trail is still visible!
if ((aliens[i].flags & FL_CANCLOAK) && ((rand() % 500) == 0))
if (aliens[i].flags & FL_ISCLOAKED)
aliens[i].flags -= FL_ISCLOAKED;
aliens[i].flags += FL_ISCLOAKED;
audio_playSound(SFX_CLOAK, aliens[i].x);
if (aliens[i].classDef == CD_BARRIER)
aliens[i].dx = -10 + (sinf(barrierLoop + aliens[i].speed) * 60);
aliens[i].dy = 20 + (cosf(barrierLoop + aliens[i].speed) * 40);
if (aliens[i].classDef == CD_MOBILESHIELD)
LIMIT_ADD(aliens[ALIEN_BOSS].shield, 1, 0,
LIMIT_ADD(aliens[i].reload[0], -1, 0, 999);
LIMIT_ADD(aliens[i].reload[1], -1, 0, 999);
if ((!(aliens[i].flags & FL_DISABLED)) &&
(!(aliens[i].flags & FL_NOFIRE)))
if ((aliens[i].target->shield > 0))
canFire = alien_checkTarget(&aliens[i]);
if (((aliens[i].thinktime % 2) == 0) &&
(aliens[i].flags & FL_FRIEND))
canFire = alien_enemiesInFront(&aliens[i]);
canFire = false;
if ((canFire) && (dev.fireAliens))
if ((aliens[i].reload[0] == 0) &&
((rand() % 1000 < aliens[i].chance[0]) ||
(aliens[i].flags & FL_CONTINUOUS_FIRE)))
ship_fireBullet(&aliens[i], 0);
if ((aliens[i].reload[1] == 0) &&
((rand() % 1000 < aliens[i].chance[1]) ||
(aliens[i].flags & FL_CONTINUOUS_FIRE)))
if ((aliens[i].weaponType[1] != W_ENERGYRAY) &&
(aliens[i].weaponType[1] != W_LASER))
if (aliens[i].weaponType[1] == W_CHARGER)
aliens[i].ammo[1] = 50 + rand() % 150;
ship_fireBullet(&aliens[i], 1);
else if (aliens[i].weaponType[1] == W_LASER)
aliens[i].flags += FL_FIRELASER;
else if ((aliens[i].weaponType[1] == W_ENERGYRAY) &&
(aliens[i].ammo[0] == 250))
aliens[i].flags += FL_FIRERAY;
audio_playSound(SFX_ENERGYRAY, aliens[i].x);
if (aliens[i].flags & FL_FIRERAY)
LIMIT_ADD(aliens[i].ammo[0], 1, 0, 250);
if (aliens[i].flags & FL_FIRELASER)
ship_fireBullet(&aliens[i], 1);
if ((rand() % 25) == 0)
aliens[i].flags -= FL_FIRELASER;
if (aliens[i].flags & FL_DROPMINES)
if ((rand() % 150) == 0)
addCollectable(aliens[i].x, aliens[i].y, P_MINE, 25,
600 + rand() % 2400);
// Kline drops mines a lot more often
if ((&aliens[i] == &aliens[ALIEN_KLINE]))
if ((rand() % 10) == 0)
addCollectable(aliens[i].x, aliens[i].y, P_MINE, 25,
600 + rand() % 2400);
shapeToUse = aliens[i].imageIndex[aliens[i].face];
if (aliens[i].hit)
shapeToUse += SHIP_HIT_INDEX;
LIMIT_ADD(aliens[i].hit, -1, 0, 100);
if ((aliens[i].x + aliens[i].image[0]->w > 0) &&
(aliens[i].x < screen->w) &&
(aliens[i].y + aliens[i].image[0]->h > 0) &&
(aliens[i].y < screen->h))
if ((!(aliens[i].flags & FL_DISABLED)) &&
(aliens[i].classDef != CD_ASTEROID) &&
(aliens[i].classDef != CD_ASTEROID2))
if ((!(aliens[i].flags & FL_ISCLOAKED)) || (aliens[i].hit > 0))
blit(shipShape[shapeToUse], (int)aliens[i].x,
if (aliens[i].flags & FL_DISABLED)
if ((rand() % 10) == 0)
addExplosion(aliens[i].x + (rand() % aliens[i].image[0]->w),
aliens[i].y + (rand() % aliens[i].image[0]->h),
if ((currentGame.area == MISN_MARS) && (aliens[i].x < -60))
aliens[i].active = false;
if ((aliens[i].x > 0) && (aliens[i].x < screen->w) &&
(aliens[i].y > 0) && (aliens[i].y < screen->h))
blit(aliens[i].image[aliens[i].face], (int)aliens[i].x,
addExplosion(aliens[i].x + (rand() % aliens[i].image[0]->w),
aliens[i].y + (rand() % aliens[i].image[0]->h),
if (aliens[i].shield < aliens[i].deathCounter)
aliens[i].active = false;
if ((aliens[i].classDef == CD_BOSS) ||
(aliens[i].owner == &aliens[ALIEN_BOSS]) ||
(aliens[i].flags & FL_FRIEND) ||
(aliens[i].classDef == CD_ASTEROID) ||
(aliens[i].classDef == CD_KLINE))
addDebris((int)aliens[i].x, (int)aliens[i].y,
if (aliens[i].classDef == CD_ASTEROID)
n = 1 + (rand() % 3);
for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
// Adjust the movement even whilst exploding
if ((dev.moveAliens) && (!(aliens[i].flags & FL_NOMOVE)) &&
(!(aliens[i].flags & FL_DISABLED)))
if ((currentGame.area != MISN_ELLESH) || (aliens[i].shield < 0))
aliens[i].x += engine.ssx;
aliens[i].x += engine.smx;
aliens[i].y += engine.ssy + engine.smy;
int mainGameLoop()
FILE *fp;
char string[255];
int index, alienType, placeAttempt;
int barrierSpeed;
int n;
@ -583,329 +1190,9 @@ int mainGameLoop()
barrierLoop += 0.2;
// A global variable for checking if all the aliens are dead
engine.allAliensDead = 1;
object *alien = aliens;
for (int i = 0 ; i < ALIEN_MAX ; i++)
if (alien->active)
if (alien->shield > 0)
if ((alien->flags & FL_WEAPCO) && (!(alien->flags & FL_DISABLED)))
engine.allAliensDead = 0;
// Set part attributes
if (alien->owner != alien)
alien->face = alien->owner->face;
if (alien->face == 0)
alien->x = alien->owner->x - alien->dx;
alien->x = alien->owner->x + alien->owner->image[0]->w + alien->dx - alien->image[0]->w;
alien->y = (alien->owner->y + alien->dy);
if (alien->owner->shield < 1)
if ((alien->classDef != CD_URANUSBOSSWING1) &&
(alien->classDef != CD_URANUSBOSSWING2))
alien->shield = 0;
alien->flags &= ~FL_IMMORTAL;
alien->owner = alien;
alien->chance[0] = 25;
canFire = true; // The alien is allowed to fire
LIMIT_ADD(alien->thinktime, -1, 0, 250);
if (alien->target->shield < 1)
alien->target = alien;
// Specific to Sid to stop him pissing about(!)
if ((alien->classDef == CD_SID) &&
(alien->target->flags & FL_DISABLED))
alien->target = alien;
if (alien->target == alien)
if (engine.missionCompleteTimer == 0)
if (alien->flags & FL_FRIEND)
alien->target = &player;
alien->thinktime = 1;
if ((!(alien->flags & FL_DISABLED)) &&
(alien->thinktime == 0) && (alien->target != alien) &&
(alien->owner == alien))
if (alien->classDef == CD_KLINE)
alien->thinktime = (rand() % 25) * 10;
// Face direction of movement unless you always face
// your target(!)
if (!(alien->flags & FL_ALWAYSFACE))
alien->face = (alien->dx > 0);
LIMIT(alien->dx, -alien->speed, alien->speed);
LIMIT(alien->dy, -alien->speed, alien->speed);
if (alien->flags & FL_ALWAYSFACE)
alien->face = 0;
if (alien->x > alien->target->x) alien->face = 1;
if ((currentGame.area == MISN_ELLESH) &&
(alien->classDef == CD_BOSS))
alien->face = 0;
if ((alien->flags & FL_DEPLOYDRONES) && ((rand() % 300) == 0))
if (alien->flags & FL_LEAVESECTOR)
// Note: The original version of this line incorrectly
// specified -15 as the *maximum* instead of the
// *minimum*, which at the time was equivalent to
// ``alien->dx = -15``.
LIMIT_ADD(alien->dx, -0.5, -15, 0);
alien->dy = 0;
alien->thinktime = 999;
alien->face = 0;
if (alien->x >= 5000)
alien->flags -= FL_LEAVESECTOR;
alien->flags += FL_ESCAPED;
alien->active = false;
if (alien->classDef == CD_CLOAKFIGHTER)
currentGame.experimentalShield = alien->shield;
setInfoLine("Experimental Fighter has fled",
alien->shield = 0;
alien->classDef, 1);
if (alien->classDef != CD_CLOAKFIGHTER)
alien->classDef, 1);
// This deals with the Experimental Fighter in Mordor
// (and Kline on the final mission)
// It can cloak and uncloak at random. When cloaked,
// its sprite is not displayed. However the engine
// trail is still visible!
if ((alien->flags & FL_CANCLOAK) && ((rand() % 500) == 0))
if (alien->flags & FL_ISCLOAKED)
alien->flags -= FL_ISCLOAKED;
alien->flags += FL_ISCLOAKED;
audio_playSound(SFX_CLOAK, alien->x);
if (alien->classDef == CD_BARRIER)
alien->dx = -10 + (sinf(barrierLoop + alien->speed) * 60);
alien->dy = 20 + (cosf(barrierLoop + alien->speed) * 40);
if (alien->classDef == CD_MOBILESHIELD)
LIMIT_ADD(aliens[ALIEN_BOSS].shield, 1, 0,
LIMIT_ADD(alien->reload[0], -1, 0, 999);
LIMIT_ADD(alien->reload[1], -1, 0, 999);
if ((!(alien->flags & FL_DISABLED)) &&
(!(alien->flags & FL_NOFIRE)))
if ((alien->target->shield > 0))
canFire = alien_checkTarget(alien);
if (((alien->thinktime % 2) == 0) &&
(alien->flags & FL_FRIEND))
canFire = alien_enemiesInFront(alien);
canFire = false;
if ((canFire) && (dev.fireAliens))
if ((alien->reload[0] == 0) &&
((rand() % 1000 < alien->chance[0]) ||
(alien->flags & FL_CONTINUOUS_FIRE)))
ship_fireBullet(alien, 0);
if ((alien->reload[1] == 0) &&
((rand() % 1000 < alien->chance[1]) ||
(alien->flags & FL_CONTINUOUS_FIRE)))
if ((alien->weaponType[1] != W_ENERGYRAY) &&
(alien->weaponType[1] != W_LASER))
if (alien->weaponType[1] == W_CHARGER)
alien->ammo[1] = 50 + rand() % 150;
ship_fireBullet(alien, 1);
else if (alien->weaponType[1] == W_LASER)
alien->flags += FL_FIRELASER;
else if ((alien->weaponType[1] == W_ENERGYRAY) &&
(alien->ammo[0] == 250))
alien->flags += FL_FIRERAY;
audio_playSound(SFX_ENERGYRAY, alien->x);
if (alien->flags & FL_FIRERAY)
LIMIT_ADD(alien->ammo[0], 1, 0, 250);
if (alien->flags & FL_FIRELASER)
ship_fireBullet(alien, 1);
if ((rand() % 25) == 0)
alien->flags -= FL_FIRELASER;
if (alien->flags & FL_DROPMINES)
if ((rand() % 150) == 0)
addCollectable(alien->x, alien->y, P_MINE, 25,
600 + rand() % 2400);
// Kline drops mines a lot more often
if ((alien == &aliens[ALIEN_KLINE]))
if ((rand() % 10) == 0)
addCollectable(alien->x, alien->y, P_MINE, 25,
600 + rand() % 2400);
shapeToUse = alien->imageIndex[alien->face];
if (alien->hit)
shapeToUse += SHIP_HIT_INDEX;
LIMIT_ADD(alien->hit, -1, 0, 100);
if ((alien->x + alien->image[0]->w > 0) &&
(alien->x < screen->w) &&
(alien->y + alien->image[0]->h > 0) &&
(alien->y < screen->h))
if ((!(alien->flags & FL_DISABLED)) &&
(alien->classDef != CD_ASTEROID) &&
(alien->classDef != CD_ASTEROID2))
if ((!(alien->flags & FL_ISCLOAKED)) || (alien->hit > 0))
blit(shipShape[shapeToUse], (int)alien->x,
if (alien->flags & FL_DISABLED)
if ((rand() % 10) == 0)
addExplosion(alien->x + (rand() % alien->image[0]->w), alien->y + (rand() % alien->image[0]->h), E_ELECTRICAL);
if ((currentGame.area == MISN_MARS) && (alien->x < -60))
alien->active = false;
if ((alien->x > 0) && (alien->x < screen->w) &&
(alien->y > 0) && (alien->y < screen->h))
blit(alien->image[alien->face], (int)alien->x, (int)alien->y);
addExplosion(alien->x + (rand() % alien->image[0]->w), alien->y + (rand() % alien->image[0]->h), E_BIG_EXPLOSION);
if (alien->shield < alien->deathCounter)
alien->active = false;
if ((alien->classDef == CD_BOSS) ||
(alien->owner == &aliens[ALIEN_BOSS]) ||
(alien->flags & FL_FRIEND) ||
(alien->classDef == CD_ASTEROID) ||
(alien->classDef == CD_KLINE))
addDebris((int)alien->x, (int)alien->y,
if (alien->classDef == CD_ASTEROID)
n = 1 + (rand() % 3);
for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
// Adjust the movement even whilst exploding
if ((dev.moveAliens) && (!(alien->flags & FL_NOMOVE)) &&
(!(alien->flags & FL_DISABLED)))
if ((currentGame.area != MISN_ELLESH) || (alien->shield < 0))
alien->x += engine.ssx;
alien->x += engine.smx;
alien->y += engine.ssy + engine.smy;

View File

@ -68,6 +68,35 @@ void player_setTarget(int index)
engine.targetShield /= aliens[index].shield;
char player_checkShockDamage(float x, float y)
// Don't let the player be hurt by an explosion after they have completed
// all the mission objectives. That would be *really* annoying!
if ((engine.cheatShield) || (engine.missionCompleteTimer != 0))
return 0;
float distX = fabsf(x - player.x);
float distY = fabsf(y - player.y);
if ((distX <= 50) && (distY <= 50))
if (distX >= 1)
distX /= 5;
if (distY >= 1)
distY /= 5;
player.shield -= (int)(10 - distX);
player.shield -= (int)(10 - distY);
LIMIT(player.shield, 0, player.maxShield);
player.hit = 10;
return 1;
return 0;
void exitPlayer()
charger_fired = false;

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ extern object player;
extern void initPlayer();
void player_setTarget(int index);
char player_checkShockDamage(float x, float y);
extern void exitPlayer();
extern void doPlayer();
extern void flushInput();