tbftss/data/missions/trilliack/99 - infiltration #4.json

190 lines
4.2 KiB

"name" : "Infiltration #4",
"description" : "",
"requires" : 63,
"requiresOptional" : 3,
"isOptional" : 1,
"background" : "gfx/backgrounds/background05.jpg",
"planet" : "gfx/planets/flint.png",
"music" : "music/battle/InnerCore_Low.ogg",
"player" : {
"type" : "Angel",
"pilot" : "Cdr. Kyle Hicks",
"squadron" : "???",
"side" : "SIDE_PANDORAN",
"x" : 5,
"y" : 25
"objectives" : [
"description" : "Knock jumpgate offline",
"targetName" : "Jumpgate",
"targetValue" : 1,
"targetType" : "TT_DESTROY"
"description" : "Kill civilians",
"targetName" : "Civilian",
"targetValue" : 16,
"targetType" : "TT_DESTROY",
"active" : 0
"description" : "Eliminate all opposition",
"targetName" : "ENEMY",
"targetValue" : 1,
"targetType" : "TT_DESTROY",
"isEliminateAll" : 1
"fighters" : [
"name" : "Wing Commander",
"types" : "Thunderhead",
"side" : "SIDE_PANDORAN",
"x" : 5,
"y" : 25,
"scatter" : 500,
"types" : "Jackal;Mantis;Sphinx;Scarab",
"side" : "SIDE_PANDORAN",
"x" : 5,
"y" : 25,
"scatter" : 500,
"number" : 12,
"flags" : "+EF_IMMORTAL",
"types" : "Hyena-A;Hyena-B;Lynx",
"number" : 12,
"side" : "SIDE_ALLIES",
"x" : 15,
"y" : 25,
"flags" : "+EF_AI_TARGET",
"scatter" : 500
"types" : "Firefly;Nymph;Leopard",
"number" : 12,
"side" : "SIDE_ALLIES",
"x" : 25,
"y" : 25,
"scatter" : 500,
"flags" : "+EF_AI_TARGET",
"aiFlags" : "+AIF_MOVES_TO_LEADER"
"types" : "Rapid Plasma Turret;Rocket Turret;Plasma Turret",
"x" : 40,
"y" : 25,
"side" : "SIDE_ALLIES",
"scatter" : 1000,
"number" : 6,
"flags" : "+EF_AI_TARGET"
"capitalShips" : [
"name" : "INF Shiv",
"types" : "INF Corvette 01",
"side" : "SIDE_PANDORAN",
"x" : 4,
"y" : 25
"name" : "UNF Lovelace",
"types" : "UNF Corvette 02",
"side" : "SIDE_ALLIES",
"x" : 23,
"y" : 25,
"entities" : [
"type" : "ET_JUMPGATE",
"side" : "SIDE_ALLIES",
"x" : 40,
"y" : 25
"spawners" : [
"name" : "allySpawner",
"types" : "TAF;Ray;Rook;Kingfisher",
"side" : "SIDE_ALLIES",
"interval" : 2,
"total" : 30,
"step" : 1,
"flags" : "+EF_AI_TARGET",
"active" : 0
"name" : "civilSpawner",
"types" : "Civilian",
"side" : "SIDE_ALLIES",
"interval" : 1,
"total" : 16,
"step" : 1,
"flags" : "+EF_AI_TARGET",
"active" : 0
"script" : [
"function" : "TIME 2",
"lines" : [
"PANDORAN_MSG_BOX Wing Commander;Destroy everything. Focus on the fighters first, then the jumpgate.",
"MSG_BOX Hicks;(This ... how can I do this? These are my friends.)",
"MSG_BOX Hicks;(I need to maintain my cover, or this whole operation could be blown.)",
"MSG_BOX Hicks;(Sorry, everyone.)"
"function" : "Knock jumpgate offline",
"lines" : [
"ACTIVATE_SPAWNER 1 civilSpawner",
"PANDORAN_MSG_BOX Wing Commander;Escapees sighted."
"lines" : [
"WAIT 1",
"PANDORAN_MSG_BOX Wingmate;Enemy capital ship destroyed.",
"WAIT 5",
"PANDORAN_MSG_BOX Wingmate;Incoming fighters.",
"ACTIVATE_SPAWNER 1 allySpawner"
"lines" : [
"WAIT 1",
"PANDORAN_MSG_BOX Wing Commander;Mission complete. Prepare for extraction."
"function" : "MAX_SUSPICION_LEVEL",
"lines" : [
"PANDORAN_MSG_BOX Wing Commander;Intruder alert! We have an intruder! All units, target and destroy that fighter!",
"IMPORTANT_MSG_BOX Hicks;Hell! My cover's been blown, they're on to me!",