
358 lines
11 KiB

local random = map_random
local pits = {}
local walls = {}
local fences = {}
local lights = {}
local walldecor = {}
local function readLayoutFile(file)
local layoutfile = read_file(file)
local cleanData = ""
for i=1, #layoutfile do
local c = layoutfile:sub(i+1, i+1)
if c ~= " " and c ~= "\n" and c ~= "\r" then
cleanData = cleanData .. c
local matrix = {}
for i=0, #cleanData-1 do
local c = cleanData:sub(i, i)
local col = i % 16
local row = (i - col)/16
local layout = 1 + (row - (row % 12))/12
local row = row % 12
if not matrix[layout] then matrix[layout] = {} end
if not matrix[layout][col] then matrix[layout][col] = {} end
matrix[layout][col][row] = c
return matrix;
local function has_value(list, char)
for _, value in ipairs(list) do
if value == char then return true end
return false
local function getTileStateFor(matrix, i, j, c)
local charList
if type(c) == "string" then
charList = { c }
charList = c
local above = has_value(charList, matrix[i][j-1])
local below = has_value(charList, matrix[i][j+1])
local left = has_value(charList, matrix[i-1][j])
local right = has_value(charList, matrix[i+1][j])
local above_left = has_value(charList, matrix[i-1][j-1])
local above_right = has_value(charList, matrix[i+1][j-1])
local below_left = has_value(charList, matrix[i-1][j+1])
local below_right = has_value(charList, matrix[i+1][j+1])
return above, below, left, right, above_left, above_right, below_left, below_right
local function getRandomWallDecorFrom(wallDecorations)
return wallDecorations[random(#wallDecorations)]
local function setBlockTile(room, matrix, i, j, tiles, char, decor)
local above, below, left, right, above_left, above_right, below_left, below_right = getTileStateFor(matrix, i, j, char);
room.decor[i][j] = nil
local tile = nil
local decorTile = nil
if above and below and left and right then
tile = tiles.cross
elseif not above and below and left and right then
tile = tiles.top_t
elseif not below and above and left and right then
tile = tiles.bottom_t
decorTile = getRandomWallDecorFrom(walldecor.bottom_t)
elseif not left and above and below and right then
tile = tiles.left_t
decorTile = getRandomWallDecorFrom(walldecor.left_t)
elseif not right and above and below and left then
tile = tiles.right_t
decorTile = getRandomWallDecorFrom(walldecor.right_t)
elseif not above and not left and right and below then
tile = tiles.topleft
decorTile = getRandomWallDecorFrom(walldecor.topleft)
elseif not above and not right and left and below then
tile = tiles.topright
decorTile = getRandomWallDecorFrom(walldecor.topright)
elseif not below and not left and above and right then
tile = tiles.bottomleft
decorTile = getRandomWallDecorFrom(walldecor.bottomleft)
elseif not below and not right and above and left then
tile = tiles.bottomright
decorTile = getRandomWallDecorFrom(walldecor.bottomright)
elseif not left and not right and below then
tile = tiles.left
decorTile = getRandomWallDecorFrom(walldecor.left)
elseif not above and not below and (left or right) then
tile =
decorTile = getRandomWallDecorFrom(
tile = tiles.single
decorTile = getRandomWallDecorFrom(walldecor.single)
room.walls[i][j] = tile
if random(8) == 1 and decor then
room.decor[i][j] = decorTile
local function setPitTile(room, matrix, i, j)
local above, below, left, right, above_left, above_right, below_left, below_right = getTileStateFor(matrix, i, j, "p");
room.decor[i][j] = nil
if not above_left and not above_right and left and right and above then
room.tiles[i][j] = pits.innermid
elseif not above_left and left and above then
room.tiles[i][j] = pits.innerleft
elseif not above_right and right and above then
room.tiles[i][j] = pits.innerright
elseif not left and not above and not right then
room.tiles[i][j] = pits.topcrevice
elseif not left and not right then
room.tiles[i][j] = pits.bottomcrevice
elseif not left and not above then
room.tiles[i][j] = pits.topleft
elseif not right and not above then
room.tiles[i][j] = pits.topright
elseif not left then
room.tiles[i][j] = pits.left
elseif not right then
room.tiles[i][j] = pits.right
elseif not above then
room.tiles[i][j] =
room.tiles[i][j] =
local module = {}
function module.load_textures(map, wall_xoffset, wall_yoffset)
local t_pit0 = add_texture(map, "Objects/Pit0.png")
local t_pit1 = add_texture(map, "Objects/Pit1.png")
local t_wall = add_texture(map, "Objects/Wall.png")
local t_fence = add_texture(map, "Objects/Fence.png")
local t_decor0 = add_texture(map, "Objects/Decor0.png")
local t_decor1 = add_texture(map, "Objects/Decor1.png")
local yo = (random(5) + random(3)) * (16 * 2)
pits = {
center = { t_pit0, t_pit1, 16, yo + 16, false, false, false, true },
top = { t_pit0, t_pit1, 16, yo, false, false, false, true },
left = { t_pit0, t_pit1, 0, yo + 16, false, false, false, true },
right = { t_pit0, t_pit1, 32, yo + 16, false, false, false, true },
topleft = { t_pit0, t_pit1, 0, yo, false, false, false, true },
topright = { t_pit0, t_pit1, 32, yo, false, false, false, true },
innerleft = { t_pit0, t_pit1, 80, yo, false, false, false, true },
innermid = { t_pit0, t_pit1, 96, yo, false, false, false, true },
innerright = { t_pit0, t_pit1, 112, yo, false, false, false, true },
topcrevice = { t_pit0, t_pit1, 64, yo, false, false, false, true },
bottomcrevice = { t_pit0, t_pit1, 64, yo + 16, false, false, false, true },
local xo = wall_xoffset
yo = wall_yoffset
walls = {
topleft = { t_wall, nil, xo + 0, yo, true },
top = { t_wall, nil, xo + 16, yo, true },
single = { t_wall, nil, xo + 16, yo + 16, true },
topright = { t_wall, nil, xo + 32, yo, true },
left = { t_wall, nil, xo + 0, yo + 16, true },
bottomleft = { t_wall, nil, xo + 0, yo + 32, true },
bottomright = { t_wall, nil, xo + 32, yo + 32, true },
center = { t_wall, nil, xo + 48, yo, true },
top_t = { t_wall, nil, xo + 64, yo, true },
left_t = { t_wall, nil, xo + 48, yo + 16, true },
cross = { t_wall, nil, xo + 64, yo + 16, true },
right_t = { t_wall, nil, xo + 80, yo + 16, true },
bottom_t = { t_wall, nil, xo + 64, yo + 32, true },
yo = 48 * random(3)
fences = {
topleft = { t_fence, nil, 0, yo, true },
top = { t_fence, nil, 16, yo, true },
single = { t_fence, nil, 0, yo + 16, true },
topright = { t_fence, nil, 32, yo, true },
left = { t_fence, nil, 0, yo + 16, true },
bottomleft = { t_fence, nil, 0, yo + 32, true },
bottomright = { t_fence, nil, 32, yo + 32, true },
center = { t_fence, nil, 48, yo, true },
top_t = { t_fence, nil, 64, yo, true },
left_t = { t_fence, nil, 48, yo + 16, true },
cross = { t_fence, nil, 64, yo + 16, true },
right_t = { t_fence, nil, 80, yo + 16, true },
bottom_t = { t_fence, nil, 64, yo + 32, true },
lights = {
candle0 = { t_decor0, t_decor1, 3 * 16, 8 * 16, true, true },
candle1 = { t_decor0, t_decor1, 1 * 16, 8 * 16, true, true },
candle2 = { t_decor0, t_decor1, 5 * 16, 8 * 16, true, false },
walldecor = {
topleft = {
{ t_decor0, nil, 2 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
{ t_decor0, nil, 6 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
{ t_decor0, nil, 7 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
top = {
{ t_decor0, nil, 0 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
{ t_decor0, nil, 1 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
{ t_decor0, nil, 4 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
{ t_decor0, nil, 5 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
single = {
{ t_decor0, nil, 0 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
{ t_decor0, nil, 1 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
{ t_decor0, nil, 4 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
{ t_decor0, nil, 5 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
topright = {
{ t_decor0, nil, 3 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
left = {
{ t_decor0, nil, 2 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
{ t_decor0, nil, 3 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
{ t_decor0, nil, 6 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
{ t_decor0, nil, 7 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
bottomleft = {
{ t_decor0, nil, 0 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
{ t_decor0, nil, 1 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
{ t_decor0, nil, 2 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
{ t_decor0, nil, 4 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
{ t_decor0, nil, 5 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
{ t_decor0, nil, 6 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
{ t_decor0, nil, 7 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
bottomright = {
{ t_decor0, nil, 0 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
{ t_decor0, nil, 1 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
{ t_decor0, nil, 3 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
{ t_decor0, nil, 4 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
{ t_decor0, nil, 5 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
left_t = {
{ t_decor0, nil, 2 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
{ t_decor0, nil, 6 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
{ t_decor0, nil, 7 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
right_t = {
{ t_decor0, nil, 3 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
bottom_t = {
{ t_decor0, nil, 0 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
{ t_decor0, nil, 1 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
{ t_decor0, nil, 4 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
{ t_decor0, nil, 5 * 16, 2 * 16, false },
function createJumbleLayout(matrix)
local room1 = matrix[random(#matrix)]
local room2 = matrix[random(#matrix)]
local room3 = matrix[random(#matrix)]
local room4 = matrix[random(#matrix)]
local room = {}
for i=0,15 do
for j=0,12 do
if not room[i] then room[i] = {} end
if not room[i][j] then room[i][j] = {} end
if i < 7 then
if j < 6 then
room[i][j] = room1[i][j]
room[i][j] = room2[i][j]
if j < 6 then
room[i][j] = room3[i][j]
room[i][j] = room4[i][j]
return room
function draw_layout_to_room(room, matrix, roomx, roomy)
for i=2,13 do
for j=2,10 do
if matrix[i][j] == "p" then
setPitTile(room, matrix, i, j);
elseif matrix[i][j] == "#" then
setBlockTile(room, matrix, i, j, walls, {"#", "\"", "/"}, false)
elseif matrix[i][j] == "\"" then
setBlockTile(room, matrix, i, j, walls, {"#", "\"", "/"}, false)
room.decor[i][j] = lights.candle1
elseif matrix[i][j] == "/" then
setBlockTile(room, matrix, i, j, walls, {"#", "\"", "/"}, false)
if random(2) == 1 then
room.decor[i][j] = lights.candle1
room.decor[i][j] = lights.candle2
elseif matrix[i][j] == "f" then
setBlockTile(room, matrix, i, j, fences, "f", true)
elseif matrix[i][j] == "a" then
create_shop_artifact(map, (roomx*512) + i*32, (roomy * 384) + j*32)
elseif matrix[i][j] == "l" then
room.decor[i][j] = lights.candle0
function pickALayout(matrix)
-- Chose a random layout
if random(3) == 1 then
return matrix[random(#matrix)]
return createJumbleLayout(matrix)
function module.add_walls_to_room(room)
if random(3) ~= 1 then
return false
draw_layout_to_room(room, pickALayout(readLayoutFile("walllayouts.dat")))
return true
function module.add_pits_to_room(room)
if CURRENT_LEVEL < 2 or random(5) ~= 1 then
return false
draw_layout_to_room(room, pickALayout(readLayoutFile("pitlayouts.dat")))
return true
function module.add_shop_layout(room, roomx, roomy)
local matrix = readLayoutFile("shoplayouts.dat")
draw_layout_to_room(room, matrix[random(#matrix)], roomx, roomy)
return true
return module