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Something in the ways of a roguelike
A simple roguelike written in C using SDL2.
Randomly generated maps/rooms. Leveling system, permadeath,
multiple classes. Casual and fun for 10-20 minutes during a break
from regular work/play.
I wanted to practice C and I'm comfortable using SDL2. The assets
are graciously taken from the web. More info in the README in the
assets folder.
This game is available in the [steam store]( (release Okt 2018).
If you enjoy the game and want a properly installed, signed copy of the game with achievements and
global highscores you are most welcome to purchase it there.
If you feel like getting a free copy you can download and compile from here.
I'd prefer if issues could be handled here on github. Either check the list if your particular problem is reported
otherwise create a new issue. Support questions can be submitted as issues as well, I haven't figured out how I want to
work with support yet since I haven't received any questions.
BreakHack is released under two different licenses.
- The source code is released under [GPLv3](
- The Steam release is released under the [Steam subscriber agreement](
Apart from basic compile tools (*GCC/Clang, Make*) you'll also need to install **sdl2, sdl2-image, sdl2-ttf, sdl2-mixer** (If on a debian based dist you need to install the *dev* packages).
Optionally you can also install **cppcheck** and **physfs**
Once that is done run the following:
mkdir _build
cd _build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .. # Build type flag is optional
Compile on Windows
1. Install [Visual Studio Community 2019]( with the "Desktop development with C++" workload
2. Install [CMake](
3. Install [NSIS](
4. Download and unzip [](, [](, [](, [](
5. Open Developer Command Prompt for VS 2019 and run the following, substituting paths as appropriate:
cd C:\repos\breakhack
SET SDL2_IMAGE=C:/SDL2/SDL2_image-2.0.4
cmake .
cmake --build . --target package --config Release
Have an idea and able to implement it? Fork and send me a pull request and
I'll check it out. If I like it I will add it. If it's a big thing I'll add
your name to the credits list (once I add it in game).
If you do contribute something you should be aware that if your PR is merged
into the master code-base your code will eventually make it out with the Steam version
of the game. I don't make any revenue from those sales so don't expect any other compensation
than a "I have code on Steam" feeling. Which is quite nice and also why I decided to release
on Steam.
- [](
- [Steam](