The quiet part at the end was nearly inaudible in the game, making
it sound like silence even though it wasn't. Insertion of a little
light percussion in that section should avoid this. Also adjusted
audio levels of the instruments so that they're better balanced, and
actually committing the changed mmpz file (I forgot to do so last
This is a new theme for Starfighter! This version represents mystery
and the ominous presence of WEAPCO. Other versions will be used for
other situations, and a sort of combination between this and Last
Cyber Dance will serve as the music for the final Kline battle. That's
the theory anyway.
This is meant to help connect RE to something. I figured that by
using a similar kind of music for both it and the game over screen,
it would create a bit of a connection there and musically communicate
that it's game over, except for Kline instead of you.
We can't distribute the original music, but adding support for it in
as a compile-time option will enable modding the game to look and
feel like the original without having to edit the source code.
No, really, just added the whole thing. This took literally the
entire day. I'm soooo glad it's working now!
Also includes tons of other small fixes I didn't bother to keep
track of.
This is silly. I can see that someone decided to restrict targeting
to one ship as a difficulty setting, but that's not a very good way
to achieve different levels of difficulty.
Also added more music and slowed down RE.ogg.
The title is chosen because it is both a warm-up for me writing music with ABC
and CSound, it will also be used in the first levels of Starfighter where the
player has to warm up.
Two basic, unfinished songs, written in ABC notation are added. The Makefile
will convert the .abc files to MIDI files, which are rendered using Csound. At
the moment, Csound is set up to use the Fluidsynth engine to render sound using
soundfonts, and the reverbsc opcode is used to add a reverb effect.
ABC notation is much easier to write music in than using "raw" Csound score
notation. Also, the abcm2ps utility can create very nice sheet music from ABC