2017-12-05 08:42:27 +01:00
2018-03-19 10:35:08 +01:00
2017-12-01 00:01:51 +01:00
[](https://www.codacy.com/app/LiquidityC/breakhack?utm_source=github.com& utm_medium=referral& utm_content=LiquidityC/breakhack& utm_campaign=Badge_Grade)
2018-07-06 12:12:27 +02:00
2018-03-20 07:33:02 +01:00
<!-- [](https://scan.coverity.com/projects/liquidityc - breakhack) -->
2017-12-01 00:01:51 +01:00
2018-08-05 13:00:32 +02:00
Something in the ways of a roguelike
2017-11-30 21:00:47 +01:00
2018-08-05 13:00:32 +02:00
A simple roguelike written in C using SDL2.
2017-11-30 21:00:47 +01:00
Randomly generated maps/rooms. Leveling system, permadeath,
2018-03-25 23:57:28 +02:00
multiple classes. Casual and fun for 10-20 minutes during a break
2017-11-30 21:00:47 +01:00
from regular work/play.
I wanted to practice C and I'm comfortable using SDL2. The assets
are graciously taken from the web. More info in the README in the
assets folder.
2018-03-25 23:57:28 +02:00
I'm planning on releaseing this game on Steam once I'm happy with it.
Not to get rich, mostly because I think it will look nice on my resumé.
the code will remain open source under GPLv3 even after a possible Steam
release. So you'll still be able to download and compile it yourself if you
can and want to.
2018-04-20 14:53:00 +02:00
2018-04-22 14:01:22 +02:00
Apart from basic compile tools (*GCC/Clang, Make*) you'll also need to install **lua, sdl2, sdl2-image, sdl2-ttf, sdl2-mixer** (If on a debian based dist you need to install the *dev* packages).
2018-04-20 14:53:00 +02:00
Optionally you can also install **cppcheck** and **physfs**
Once that is done run the following:
2018-05-13 23:46:27 +02:00
mkdir _build
cd _build
2018-04-20 14:53:00 +02:00
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .. # Build type flag is optional
2018-03-25 23:57:28 +02:00
Have an idea and able to implement it? Fork and send me a pull request and
I'll check it out. If I like it I will add it. If it's a big thing I'll add
your name to the credits list (once I add it in game).
- [https://liquidityc.itch.io/breakhack ](https://liquidityc.itch.io/breakhack )